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National Idiot ID Program

"I have just spent 60 days in the State Legislature in Santa Fe, a city that
is full of loonies and protesters--or maybe it's loony protesters.  In any
case, one of my colleagues had the right idea last week when he told me that
it's a good thing we have free speech because it helps us find out who the
real idiots are."

- Avon Wilson, NM State Representative, District 59, Roswell NM

And Here's One of Those Idiots Now

"A Columbia University professor told thousands of students and faculty that
he would like to see 'a million Mogadishus' -- referring to the 1993 ambush
in Somalia that killed 18 Americans and inspired the movie 'Black Hawk Down.
'  The professor, Nicholas De Genova, also called for the defeat of U.S.
forces in Iraq and said, 'The only true heroes are those who find ways that
help defeat the U.S. military.' And he asserted that Americans who call
themselves 'patriots' are white supremacists."

- Associated Press, 3/28/03  [Um, here's his email address as listed on the
CU website: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .  Fire at will.]

Move Over, Dan

"Dan Rather of CBS has long been considered by conservatives to be the
poster boy for liberal media bias. But in the current war with Iraq, ABC's
Peter Jennings is making Mr. Rather's network look downright hawkish."

- Greg Pierce, "Inside Politics," 3/28/03

Tale of Two Missiles

Uncle Sam landed a huge missile right smack in the middle of Iraq's Ministry
of Disinformation yesterday.  At around the same time, Iraq landed a
Chinese-manufactured missile right smack in the middle empty Kuwaiti
pier.  Anyone want to bet which hit gets the greatest amount of fawning
praise and admiration from the New York Times and ABC's Peter Jennings

Unfair and Unbalanced

While "fair and balanced" Fox News continued to lead the cable networks with
5.6 million viewers - according to the most recent Neilsen ratings compiled
in the first week of the Iraq war - it should be noted that the combined
number of viewers from the decidedly unfair and unbalanced TV networks -
NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and MSNBC - totaled 48.5 million viewers.  And you wonder
why there are still so many Americans who don't "get it"?

Another Reason to LOVE Fox News

An "Ivy League journalism professor" wrote to Fox News' Neil Cavuto and
basically called him a disgrace to "hard-working reporters everywhere" for
his "rah-rah patriotism."  You're gonna love Cavuto's response, which
includes calling the professor an "obnoxious, pontificating jerk."  Read
Neil's entire dressing down of this bozo professor at:,2933,82504,00.html

Skewing the Numbers

"Another annoyance: I was flipping through the cable news channels and came
across someone who was sadly reporting that only about 34 percent of the
country now thought the war was going well.

"That 34 percent number was shocking. So. I looked it up.  Here's the scoop:
The latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll asked: 'How would you say the war with
Iraq has gone for the U.S. so far: very well, moderately well, moderately
badly, or very badly?'  As the commentator suggested, 34% said 'very well.'

"But what he neglected to say was that 51% said it was going 'moderately
well.' Put together, fully EIGHTY-FIVE PERCENT of those polled had a
favorable view toward the conduct of the war."

- Rich Galen,, 3/28/03

America's Sacrifices for Freedom

"This generation of Americans hasn't recalled the severity of the casualties
that this nation has taken (over the) years.  At the Battle of the Bulge
there were 42,000 killed, wounded or missing.  Eight weeks later a the
Battle of Iwo Jima there were 21,000."

- Sen. John Warner (R-Va.)

France by the Numbers

When first asked the question earlier this week, French Foreign Minister
Dominique de Villepin refused to say who he was rooting for to win the Iraq
war.  "Inside the Beltway" columnist John McCaslin dug up two historical
facts to help the Frenchman choose sides:

1.)  The United States provided $2.71 billion in aid to France to alleviate
post-World War II starvation and desolation.

2.)  The bodies of 81,172 U.S. soldiers who died in World Wars I and II are
buried in 14 cemeteries in France and Belgium.

Reality Check

"Please remind your readers that the soldier fighting in the field has a
foxhole for a bed and sand for a pillow, while the tie-dye-and-sandals
protesters have a vanilla flavored latte and an almond biscotti after a
tough day of street theater.  In future years children will ask the soldier,
'What did you do in the war?' and he'll answer "I freed a people.' while the
aging protester will say, 'Well, I stopped a lot of traffic.'"

- News & Views reader Brian Berry

Sarandon Told to Take a Hike

"The United Way of Tampa Bay has canceled a fund-raising appearance by Susan
Sarandon after receiving nearly 40 complaints about the outspoken actress'
anti-war campaigning. . . . Miss Sarandon's outspokenness on the Iraq war
has earned her scorn in the conservative community and some even in liberal
circles. She has addressed several anti-war rallies and been a vociferous
critic of the Bush administration."

- Washington Times, 3/28/03

How Long Will the War Last?

"I'll answer that question very quickly.  However long it takes to win. . .
. However long it takes to achieve our objective.  That's the answer to your
question and that's what you've got to know.  It isn't a matter of
timetable, it's a matter of victory - and the Iraqi people have got to know
that.  They've got to know that they will be liberated and Saddam Hussein
will be removed, no matter how long it takes."

- President Bush, 3/27/03

Reality Bites

"People have to understand this isn't a video game, it's a war, it's a real

- Secretary of State Colin Powell


"What divides the United States and Britain from Saddam's Iraq is a thing
called civilization.  We've got it.  They wouldn't know it if it jumped out
of the Euphrates and sat down beside them."

- Columnist William Murchison

Sissy Soldiers

"To hide behind civilians is obviously criminal and primitive.  What baffles
me is: Don't the Iraqis think it unmanly?"

- Columnist Mona Charen

Tough Military, Political Choices

"By stationing tanks inside hospitals, dressing as civilians, driving
regular cars, and hiding inside the homes of ordinary people, Iraqi soldiers
are deploying their most fearsome weapon: our own refusal to kill
noncombatants.  We have already demonstrated that we are willing to spend
billions of dollars to avoid killing civilians. Precision guided munitions,
smart bombs and the like are all costly measures designed to save the lives
of the innocent.  But what should we do when saving the innocent means
killing American soldiers and prolonging the war?"

- Columnist Dick Morris

French Democrats Undermining Troops

"You still have the (California Democrat Rep. Pete) Starks of the world, and
the (Texas Democrat Rep.) Sheila Jackson-Lees, who are trying to have it
both ways.  They start every comment with, 'I certainly support the troops,'
and then go denigrate why they're there.  That's not supporting the troops,
because you are telling that soldier directly he's risking his life for
something that's wrong, and that has consequences.  It has consequences in
morale; it has consequences in soldiers second-guessing orders; it has
consequences in soldiers questioning themselves as to what their commitment

- House Majority Leader Tom Delay (R-Texas)

Chicken Little Carpers

"(C)oalition forces are setting historic records of achievement. They
covered twice as much ground as Desert Storm without the benefit of a 38-day
air bombardment to soften up the opposition. Within a week, they are nearing
Baghdad, a record Rommel, Patton, Schwarzkopf and other commanders would
have envied.

"Chicken Little, watching the news 24 hours a day, is thinking a week is too
long. After all, Saving Private Ryan took less than three hours. Chicken
Little is tired of real reality TV and watching the patriotic, hardworking,
dedicated professionals who risk their lives for freedom.

"While Chicken Little sits on the couch and complains, his cousins in the
media report that 50 destroyed Iraqi tanks to one American tank being
damaged is a sign of poor military planning. Similarly, they report that
because one convoy delivering supplies to the Third Division out of a
hundred was briefly shot at, there must be a serious threat to our supply

- Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, USA Today

Taking Freedom for Granted

"Too many Americans have been too sheltered for too long to have any
conception of what it is like to live under horrifying threats. The
bargain-basement martyrs of the 'peace' movement who disrupt their fellow
Americans' lives with their moral exhibitionism in the streets know that the
worst that will happen to them is wrist-slap punishment - and that most will
not get even that.

"The blessings we have in this country have been so taken for granted for so
long by such people - and by many in the media and in academia - that they
have no sense of what past sacrifices created these blessings, what
present-day sacrifices are necessary to sustain them, much less what are the
prerequisites for continuing to live as a free people."

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Feminazis Thrilled Over Death & Capture

"The capture (in Iraq) of the courageous (Army Spc. Shoshana) Johnson, and
the news that another brave young woman, Jessica Lynch, is dead has some of
the aging radical feminists beside themselves with pride and joy.
Equal-opportunity death on the battlefield is the latest triumph of the
feminist revolution. Body bags are the latest fashion, like something from
the salons of Paris.  [Just so the bags are for other women. Besides, the
female casualties will be mostly poor whites and ghetto blacks, anyway.]"

- Wesley Pruden, "Pruden On Politics," 3/28/03

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
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