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Forget Harry Potter; We Have Kim Bryant!

Kim Bryant - the courageous Waltham, Massachusetts mother whose refusal to
knuckle under to the strong-arm tactics of government bureaucrats over the
home schooling of her two children has ignited a national firestorm and
heated debate over who should control a child's education - will be my
special guest for a one-hour interview this week.  Tuesday night at 8:00
p.m. (EST) on "Always Right with Chuck Muth."  Just click on the link below
to listen in...

You can catch previous interviews on "Always Right" by visiting our archives

Strange and Amazing

"Isn't it strange that the very same people who were prepared to give the
United Nations weapons inspectors months and even years to find weapons of
mass destruction in Iraq are screaming after just a few weeks that our
failure to discover them is proof of a hoax?  And isn't it amazing that the
very same people who believe Saddam never had weapons of mass destruction
also believe Hillary found out the truth about Monica only two days before
Bill Clinton's grand jury testimony?"

- Columnist Mona Charen

The Mean Dean e-Primary Machine

"More than a million Internet users will be invited to vote in a virtual
Democratic primary next week.  Former Vermont Gov. Howard Dean, who has
built an extensive network of Internet-savvy supporters, is expected to get
the most votes in the primary. . . . The primary begins Tuesday
and voting lasts for 48 hours."

- Associated Press, 6/20/03  [We think it would be GREAT if the "ghost of
McGovern past" ends up being the Democrat nominee next year, so we went to and signed up to vote for Dean next Tuesday.]

Risky Scheme to Lower Drug Prices

The Senate, with 20 Republican joining all but three Democrats, voted on
Friday to allow pharmacists to reimport prescription drugs from Canada for
resale in the U.S. at reduced prices.  Opponents warn the process is unsafe
and could lead to American consumers ending up with drugs "that might be
unapproved, outdated, mislabled or counterfeited."

Expensive New Entitlement

"(Democrats) are in fact leading the parade to enact an extraordinarily
irresponsible Medicare drug benefit that will benefit even three-fourths of
recipients who have and can afford supplemental insurance for drugs."

- Columnist Jay Ambrose

Whatever Happened to Means Testing?

"In the midst of a bipartisan stampede toward 'prescription drug benefits
for the elderly,' someone needs to ask the question: Why should seniors be
singled out to be subsidized by the taxpayers, except that their votes are
being sought by both parties? . . . (I)f there are people who cannot afford
insurance and we want to help them, then the criterion should be their
economic condition, not their age.

".(I)t is not true that most people cannot afford medical care or
prescription drugs. Only about one-fourth of the people without medical
insurance have incomes below the poverty level. Many who could easily afford
insurance prefer buying other things.

- Columnist Thomas Sowell

Campaign Hot Tips

New to campaigns and grassroots activism?  Seasoned veteran who recognizes
there's always something new to learn?  Then sign up for Mark Montini's FREE
"Campaign Hot Tips" e-newsletter at:

Why Judicial Nominations Matter

Last year, the Supreme Court ruled that states can't confine convicted sex
offenders once their prison terms have ended unless they can prove the
perverts "can't control themselves."  This led to the release of one Michael
T. Crane in Kansas, a convicted sex offender whose original 35-years-to-life
sentence in 1994 for kidnapping, attempted rape and attempted sodomy was
overturned by the Kansas Supreme Court on a technicality and reduced to
three to ten.

When Krane came up for release, a jury determined that he was a violent
sexual predator who should continue to be confined by the state.  That same
Kansas Supreme Court overruled the jury's decision and was backed up last
year by the U.S. Supreme Court.  Crane was released back into the

On Wednesday, the scuzzball was arrested for attacking another woman outside
her apartment.  He's been charged with three counts of forcible sodomy and
one count each of rape, assault and kidnapping.

Still don't think who sits on the bench matters?

Don't Call Us, We'll Call You

"Democratic Sens. Tom Daschle of South Dakota, Charles E. Schumer of New
York and Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont have written Mr. Bush warning him to
consult with them before making any (Supreme Court) nominations in the event
of a vacancy at the end of this month. These are the same Democratic
senators leading the filibusters against two of Mr. Bush's nominees to lower
federal courts."

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 6/19/03

Hispanics Support "Ponch" for Court

Two recent polls - one GOP friendly, one Democrat friendly - both show that
most Hispanics are completely unaware of the brouhaha going on in the U.S.
Senate over President Bush's nomination of Hispanic Miguel Estrada to the
D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.  To make matters worse, Democrat pollster
Sergio Bendixen estimates that about a third of the Hispanic voters who said
in his poll that they support Estrada are confusing him with ERIK Estrada,
the actor in the 1977-83 the television series "CHiPS."  These folks
actually think President Bush nominated "Ponch" to be a circuit court judge.
Good grief.  And these people are allowed to vote on election day with you
and me.  Still wonder how Democrats ever get elected?

Reporting WFA's

Rep. Jim Nussle, Iowa Republican and Chairman of the House Budget Committee,
has set up a Web site where citizens can report incidents of governmental
waste, fraud and abuse.  Democrats, not surprisingly, say the plan to
identify and eliminate WFAs will "threaten vital services to the American
people."  Wow, who didn't see that one coming?  The Web site can be accessed
at: .

Stupid Is As Stupid Does

"An Annapolis (Maryland) lawmaker wants to enact a law that would ban most
toy guns in the city and fine parents whose children are caught playing with
the toys outdoors.  Alderwoman Cynthia A. Carter, Democrat, said the law
would ban all toy guns except for clear, brightly colored plastic guns.

"...Four of the nine city council members have come out in support of Mrs.
Carter's proposal.  'Anything that can be done to deglamorize guns is a
plus,' said Annapolis Mayor Ellen O. Moyer, Democrat."

- Washington Times, 6/18/03

Banning Stupid Politicians

"The proposed law to ban toy guns demonstrates the greatest menace to
American society - lawmakers such as Alderwoman Cynthia A. Carter. Instead
of a ban on toy guns and fines for parents who let their children play
outside with toy guns, let's ban stupid politicians and fine those lawmakers
who propose stupid laws just before they are kicked out of office on their

- Jess Leeper, letter-to-the-editor, Washington Times, 6/21/03

Biting the Hand That Feeds Them

"In 1991, (the airline unions) sealed the inglorious fate of Eastern
Airlines by refusing to accept additional concessions.  Afterwards some
union members were reported to have held up signs that read, 'We Won!'  It
was the ultimate case of schadenfreude: union members put the company out of
business and put themselves out of work.  Today the (airline) unions have a
similar choice.  Will they make concessions now in order to help their
employers prevail in a competitive environment, or will they balk?"

- "Labor Watch," Capital Research Center, June 2003

Army of One

"One man with courage makes a majority."

- Andrew Jackson

Hat's Off

"My 'hat's off' to the Bryants.  The Bryants are a brave family doing what
we all should be doing - standing for what we believe.  Actually, they're
only doing what the early citizens of Massachusetts did when compulsory
government schooling was first introduced - refusing to take this
unconstitutional intrusion without a fight.  What's amazing is how effective
the compulsory education system has been at producing a society of
submissive, gutless followers.  Instead of putting government in its proper
place, Americans simply fuss about the cost of the intrusive demands of such
outrageous laws..."

- News & Views reader Cindy Zipf

Incompetent Boob Factories

"In the early 80's I was among some of the pioneers of homeschooling who
took serious hits by the status quo neighbors, churches, and school
officials, not the mention the legislature.  Everyone seemed so threatened
by my actions at the time, and I guess not much has changed in the last 20

"At one legislative hearing that was winding down after hours of debate
about the unthinkable possibility that parents should be allowed to have
full stewardship over their own children, a senator asked, 'Before we close
is there anyone who absolutely has to say something?'

"I found myself rising as if lifted by an invisible source.  At the
microphone I properly addressed the 'distinguished' (?) panel of legislators
and surprised myself by saying '...If indeed we parents are too incompetent
and too uneducated to teach the children God sent to our homes, it is
precisely because we are products of your public schools and  your state
colleges.'  I then sat down to the cheers and applause of the audience and
the total irritation of the panel."

- News & Views reader Judy Naegle

Selective Choice

"Chuck, why is it the lefties always scream about a citizen's right to
choose when it comes to abortion, but God forbid you wish to EDUCATE your
children to win spelling bees and other academic excellence!"

- News & Views reader Marc Frank of the Peoples Republic of Maryland

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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