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Blockbuster of an Idea

"You read about all these terrorists -- most of them came here legally, but
they hung around on these expired visas, some for as long as 10 -15 years.
Now, compare that to Blockbuster; you are two days late with a video and
those people are all over you. Let's put Blockbuster in charge of

- Joke of the Day, 6/29/03

Typical Kennedy

"I made my money the old-fashioned way.  I inherited it."

- Rep. Patrick Kennedy, D-Rhode Island

Yeah...So Are Their Cars

"I'm not sure where Arnold [Schwarzenegger] gets his political instincts.
People often say that for Kennedys, it's in the water."

- Sen. Ted Kennedy, Associated Press, 6/27/03

The Mean Dean Fundraising Machine

"Quarterly campaign filings are due at the Federal Election Commission
tonight, and the New York Times reports '(Democrat presidential candidate
Howard) Dean's aides said he would report raising at least $6.2 million in
the three-month period that ends at midnight.'

"...Money isn't everything, of course; just ask John Edwards, whoever he is.
But Dean also has energy, a distinctive message and an enthusiastic cadre of
supporters. Now that he's proved his fund-raising prowess, there's no excuse
not to take his candidacy seriously. . . . Dean's star could fade, but for
now it would be hard to reckon him as anything other than the front-runner.

".(Bush presidential adviser) Karl Rove must be jumping for joy. Apart from
the Sharptonkucinichmoseleybraun also-rans, Dean is the best opponent the
Republicans could possibly hope for. Can anyone imagine such an intemperate
lefty winning a single 'red' state? If President Bush merely carries the
same states he did last time around, he has 278 electoral votes and a second
term. Against Dean he could phone it in."

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 6/30/03

Unaffordable Extravagance

"The Senate (prescription drug) bill would provide an equal benefit to all
seniors, regardless of income or need. That means that retired
multimillionaires would get the same benefit as widows and retired social
workers. That's an extravagance we simply cannot afford. Real reform will
help the truly needy, without creating an open-ended entitlement."

- Ed Feulner, president, Heritage Foundation

It's the Spending, Stupid

"The impending prescription drug bill, with its huge 10-year price tag and
the historical trend that Medicare entitlement costs outpace the initial
predictions, has prompted a round of worries about Bush administration

"...The size of the pending prescription-drug entitlement tied to Medicare
is not the only spending that has stirred deepening concerns at such
conservative think tanks as Heritage and at budget-watchdog groups.

"They point to $3.5 billion in a refundable, add-on child tax credit for
families who pay no income taxes, which the White House supports, and a
massive $360 billion highway bill, which it opposes, as symptoms of spending
that is speeding out of control."

- Washington Times, 6/30/03

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A Lot of Smoke, But No Fire

"Moving on to's recent adventure: The website got a great deal of
attention by announcing that it would be running the first-in-the-nation
on-line straw poll the results of which were to be released this past

"The media, while not exactly breathless about it, gave it more than enough
attention as if a poll, on the internet, seven months before the first
ACTUAL primary, among a Democratic field which is probably not yet
completed, would mean anything; Nothing more than McVoting.

"...MoveOn claims some 1.4 million members. Let's take that as read. Let's
also take as read that those 1.4 million members have a far greater interest
in politics - Democratic politics, liberal Democratic politics - than the
average American citizen.

"...According to the site's official results some 317,600 people
participated in the straw poll. That means the 'turnout' for this poll was
something under 23%.  If less than a quarter of the activists who are
members of - even after being alerted via e-mail that this poll
was taking place - bothered to participate...then what does that tell us
about the level of enthusiasm even among Liberal activists for this crop of

- Rich Galen, "," 6/29/03

Affirmative Action Ruling's Silver Lining

The prevailing notion is that Sandi O'Connor's Supreme Court ruling will
allow racial discrimination in college admissions for the next 25 years, but
it really doesn't have to be that way.  See, what the Supremes said was that
it was "okay" to use such discriminatory practices; it didn't say they were
mandatory.  Indeed, states can adopt their own laws prohibiting such harmful
practices should they so choose, as Californians did some years ago.

Leading the ballot effort to bar race-based admissions policies back then
was California University Regent Ward Connerly.  Mr. Connerly is now mulling
a similar initiative in Michigan - home to the now-infamous Supreme Court
case on affirmative action - allowing the people themselves to overrule
Justice O'Connor & Company.

"If the state that gave rise to these high-profile court decisions to use
race preferences for the sake of diversity says we do not agree with the
court, that would send a powerful message and others will follow," says
Connerly.  "Michigan is the big tortilla here."

If you'd like to be kept updated on Mr. Connerly's efforts to eliminate ALL
race preferences, you can join his American Civil Rights Institute by going

Dangerous Monopoly

"(Deputy Postmaster General John) Nolan argues that the public policy
benefits of preserving the magnitude of the Postal Service's massive
infrastructure and status-quo definition for 'universal-service' outweighs
the negative effects created by such incursions into the private sector. . .
. Allowing or encouraging a governmental monopoly to freely enter
competitive markets is not only poor public policy, but a dangerous one as

"An aggressive, massively capitalized Postal Service free to disrupt
small-business markets could easily cause irreparable harm to this important
job-creating segment of our Nation's economy. Masquerading the cost of
providing postal services by siphoning money from other private sectors of
the economy for the sole purpose of institutional preservation does not
serve the greater good, nor will it prove effective in the end. A desire to
maintain the Postal Service's massive size and current 'universal service'
levels does not trump our Nation's free-market and pro-competitive

- Rick Merritt, executive director for

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
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Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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