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Don't Call Us, We'll Call You

"House Democrats yesterday criticized the way the White House has handled
the economy and promised to come up with a better economic plan of their
own," reported the Washington Times on Tuesday. In related news, the
Keystone Kops criticized the way the Secret Service was handling security
for the President and promised to come up with a better protection plan of
their own. And in still other related news, Bozo the Clown criticized the
way Rush Limbaugh has handled his radio program and promised to come up with
a better format of his own.

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New Economic Dynamic Duo

"(S)tephen Moore, who heads the Club for Growth, said, 'I have no problem
with (just-appointed Treasury Secretary John) Snow. He's OK on tax cuts,
though everything we know about (expected new head of the National Economic
Council Stephen) Friedman tells us he is a Council on Foreign Relations,
Concord Coalition deficit-phobic who believes that reducing the national
debt is more important than reducing tax rates.

"But Grover Norquist, who heads Americans for Tax Reform, said he was
comfortable with the two appointments. 'I have been assured by the White
House that Friedman is on board on the president's tax cuts. The job comes
with a sign on the door: Cut taxes or die. You don't sign up with the Bush
administration if you are not for tax cuts, because that's where the train
is headed.' "

- Washington Times, 12/10/02


Dancin' the Happy Dance

"Democrats are so energized by Sen. Mary Landrieu's re-election Saturday in
Louisiana that they are predicting big Senate gains in 2004. 'Two years ago,
the Republicans had 50 senators. Today they have 51. Two years ago, we
picked up five seats, and we'll do so again in this cycle,' Senate Majority
Leader Tom Daschle, South Dakota Democrat, said yesterday, telling reporters
the results from Louisiana have put 'a bounce in our step.' "

- Washington Times, 12/10/02


>From the Land of Perpetual Outrage

"The Rev. Al Sharpton, a likely Democratic presidential candidate, has asked
for a meeting with Republican National Committee Chairman Marc Racicot and
has announced he will begin a national campaign calling for the removal of
incoming Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott. Mr. Sharpton objects to Mr. Lott
's comment, made at a 100th birthday party for retiring Sen. Strom Thurmond,
that 'the country would have been better off had Strom Thurmond won his 1948
presidential campaign.' "

- Greg Pierce's "Inside Politics," 12/10/02


Why Judges Matter - I

Get this. On Monday a federal judge ruled that Vice President Dick Cheney
did not have to reveal to the congressional General Accounting Office the
names of persons who served on an energy policy task force. But get this:
The judge actually relied on the Constitution and the doctrine of separation
of powers to arrive at his decision!

U.S. District Judge John D. Bates dismissed a lawsuit pushed by Democrats in
Congress because "Such an excursion (into the dispute between Congress and
the White House) by the judiciary would be unprecedented and would fly in
the face of the restricted role of the federal courts under the

Obviously, this guy is one of those radical right-wing extremists who
listens to Rush Limbaugh, watches Fox News and reads the Washington Times.
Al Gore, call your office.


Why Judges Matter - II

"Not surprisingly, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco
upheld the ban on semiautomatic weapons in California. Not surprisingly,
Judge Stephen Reinhardt wrote the opinion. So why even bother to comment on
it? Because every time Judge Reinhardt puts pen to paper, he aims to
dismantle the very Constitution that gives him the power to put pen to

- Columnist Balint Vazsonyi


Muth's Truths

What's in the Democrat Leadership Council's double-super-secret Thanksgiving
Day memorandum of doom and gloom? Read all about it in the latest "Muth's
Truths" column. Just go to:


Immigration Nation

"Before September 11, 2002, the Bush administration favored amnesty for
millions of illegals in America, numbering about 9 million, largely as a
cynical political maneuver to get the elusive if extant 'Hispanic vote.'

"...Meanwhile, Democratic House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt of Missouri
recently went even further than the Republicans in putting through a House
bill that would have granted immediate green cards not only to most of the
millions of illegal aliens in the U.S., but also to their spouses and minor
children outside America.

"To round it off, they would become immediately eligible for all federal and
state welfare benefits hitherto available only to legal immigrants. This
would mean that when all the eligible relatives of the millions of illegal
aliens already in the U.S. were accounted for, the final total for the
amnesty could be as many as 22 million people."

- Columnist Georgie Anne Geyer


Bush & Islam: Point/Counter-Point

"I was glad to read about President Bush's visit to a mosque (for Ramadan).
He reiterated that his war is against extremists, not Muslims in general. .
. . As a Republican Muslim, I find Mr. Bush's comments alleviate the fear I
feel when others of my party make less responsible and less educated
statements. His understanding that just as those who bomb abortion clinics
do not represent Christianity, al Qaeda does not represent Islam will make
it easier for me to vote for him in 2004."

- Ismail Kenessy, letter-to-the-editor, Washington Times, 12/10/02

"(U)sing adjectives like 'honesty, integrity, and morality' to describe
Islam is akin to describing communism during the Cold War as compassionate,
just and peaceful. Such theoretical concepts, quite literally, are blown
away by the facts.

"Mr. Bush needs to ask just two questions to see the light. First, what
religion has motivated the perpetrators of terrorism in Bali, the
Philippines, India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Russia, Israel, Kenya, France and
the U.S. - in fact, of nearly every act of terror occurring weekly around
the globe? Second, why haven't we heard a single American Muslim leader
condemn all of this bloodletting, in the name of Allah, unconditionally?"

- Samuel R. Lewis, letter-to-the-editor, Washington Times, 12/10/02


Holy Smoke!

"Residents of California's agricultural heartland for years have blamed smog
on vehicle exhaust from the San Francisco Bay area. But air regulators are
proposing a solution that targets a problem closer to home - a ban on
traditional woodburning fireplaces.

"...Under proposed rules that would take effect next year, most wood-burning
fireplaces and stoves would be banned in new homes. Masonry fireplaces would
have to be permanently disabled, converted to natural gas or upgraded to
expensive soot-containing models before homes could be sold. . . . The
district may set up a phone line to report any illegal burnings, and
violators could be fined."

- Associated Press

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Published by The Goldwater Club
Chuck Muth
P.O. Box 19893
Alexandria, VA 22320

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