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Savage Attack

"Oh, you're one of the sodomites.  You should only get AIDS and die, you
pig. How's that? Why don't you see if you can sue me, you pig. You got
nothing better than to put me down, you piece of garbage. You have got
nothing to do today. Go eat a sausage and choke on it."

- TV talk-show host Michael Savage to a gay caller on Saturday.  MSNBC fired
Savage on Monday.

What a Bunch of Babies

"The Texas redistricting drama continues. When last we looked in on this
story, in May, Democratic state legislators, evading GOP attempts to replace
a Democratic gerrymander with a Republican one, had fled to Oklahoma, where
they were outside the jurisdiction of Texas law enforcement, who are
empowered to arrest truant lawmakers and return them to Austin.

"The Houston Chronicle reports the Texas House has approved the Republican
redistricting plan, which 'now heads to the state Senate, where its fate is
less certain.' Not that House Democrats didn't fight back: When Rep. Phil
King, the bill's chief sponsor, made the case for the bill, 'about 30
Democrats in the gallery donned white socks as hand puppets to mock King.
Every time he spoke, the little white mouths flapped.'"

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 7/8/03

She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named Opens Door to Prez Run in '04

"New York Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has subtly but carefully altered
her stance on running for president in 2004. . . . Appearing Friday on BBC
Channel 4's 'Richard and Judy Show,' Mrs. Clinton was pressed on whether she
might challenge President Bush as early as next year.  'You never know what
might happen,' she told the TV duo, after first dismissing as 'rumors'
reports that she was considering a run in 2004.

"...Just three weeks ago, when asked by ABC's Barbara Walters if she might
run in 2004, Mrs. Clinton's denial was rock solid.  But sinking poll numbers
for President Bush, continuing weakness in the U.S. economy, and the failure
of a clear Democratic front-runner to emerge -- all may be factors leading
Mrs. Clinton to re-think her plans for 2004."

-, 7/7/03

Dems Find Voice on National Security

"For the first time since the 1980s, events overseas may tip the balance in
a U.S. presidential election. And to judge by the parade of White House
aspirants complaining about President Bush's 'arrogant' foreign policy and
its 'pattern of deception and deceit' on the Sunday morning talk show
circuit, the Democrats smell blood. The good news here is that, after a
decade of touting microinitiatives, school uniforms, and Fleetwood Mac
tunes, the party of Harry Truman has finally rediscovered its voice on
national security issues. The bad news is that it's the voice of George

- New Republic editor Lawrence Kaplan,, 7/8/03

Free the Michigan Four

More than a year ago, President Bush nominated four highly-qualified
individuals to fill four vacancies on the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals.
All four are from Michigan.  And all four are being held up because of "blue
slips" by Michigan's two Democrat U.S. senators, Carl Levin and Debbie
Stabenow.  The "blue slip" is a special kind of weapon of mass obstruction:
a senate tradition allows members of a state to block a judicial nominee
from their home state.

The Michigan Four, thus far, haven't even been allowed a hearing by the
Judiciary Committee on their nominations.  Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist
is attempting to bust the obstruction by using a "discharge petition" to get
the nominees to the Senate floor for a straight up-or-down vote, but the
Democrats are obstructing that effort, the same way they are currently
filibustering the judicial nominations of Miguel Estrada and Priscilla Owen.

And the beat goes on.


*  PETA filed a lawsuit on Monday against KFC for its treatment of those
delicious original recipe or extra-crispy chickens we enjoy.  KFC's parent
company called the lawsuit nothing more than a "publicity stunt."

*  Paul Weyrich of the Free Congress Foundation has established a new policy
center named "Americans for Obesity."  Weyrich said the new center was
established to "allow Americans to stuff themselves till they burst, whether
the government and the trial lawyers like it or not."  What'll he do if the
food police or lawyers come after the center?  "We'll just sit on 'em," says
Weyrich, tongue planted firmly in cheek.

*  Driving yet another nail into the coffin of the term limits movement, New
Jersey Rep. Frank LoBiondo announced that he would break his term-limit
pledge made in 1994 and seek a seventh term, saying, "I didn't fully
understand what personal relationships and seniority could mean to the

*  New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg changed parties to run as a Republican
so he wouldn't have to compete in a Democrat primary.  Still, conservatives
were heartened to hear Bloomy say on the campaign trail that he supported
English-only education.  Now that he's been elected, Mayor RINO flip-flopped
on the issue.  Wow. What a shocker.

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Era of Big Gov't is Back...With a Vengeance

"Democrats should do everything they can to whisk (the Medicare bill) to
(President Bush's) desk.  In signing it, as he will surely be forced to do,
he will preside over the biggest expansion of government health benefits
since the Great Society."

- Nancy-Ann DeParle, former Medicare administrator in the Clinton
administration, Washington Post

To Re-Import or Not to Re-Import

"(T)he Pharmaceutical Market Access Act...would serve to essentially open
the floodgates to drugs from outside the country, allowing drugs with
unknown origins, production methods, packaging guidelines and transportation
standards into the American prescription drug supply.

"Some of them will be real pills, on which another country's socialized
health care has imposed a lower price. But some will be counterfeit, some
copied and some even poisoned. Once these drugs hit the American drug
supply, there is no controlling where they go and whom they impact."

- Rev. Jerry Falwell

Skool Daze

Well, the teachers union (National Education Association) wrapped up its
annual convention this week with NEA prez Reg Weaver acknowledging to the
Washington Times that his union might want to sit down for
this...left-wing politically and 90 percent pro-Democrat.

Really?  Who knew?  One certainly wouldn't get that  impression from the
resolutions adopted at the convention, as outlined by the Times:  "In the
resolutions, NEA members supported homosexual rights; programs to teach
schoolchildren to be tolerant of homosexual, bisexual and 'transgendered'
lifestyles; and allowing 'reproductive freedom,' including abortion, for
teenagers. They also criticized capital punishment in the United States and
called for a federally run health care program."

Remember, these are the folks who are teaching your kids in our nation's
government schools.  And you wonder why home-schooling is taking off like a

How (Not) to Win Friends & Influence Republicans

NEA chief Reg Weaver told the Washington Times that he wants his union to
reach out to Republicans.  Really?  They sure have a funny way of showing
it, as noted by the Times:

"During the (NEA's) four-day convention, a widely circulated newsletter of
the NEA Peace and Justice Caucus criticized the Iraq war and included a mock
resume of Mr. Bush, saying he was the 'first U.S. president to establish a
secret shadow government.'  The full-page printed mock resume is headlined
'Bushwacked!' and is topped with a picture portraying Mr. Bush and Vice
President Dick Cheney as the Scarecrow and the Tin Man from 'The Wizard of
Oz.' A caption above Mr. Bush says, 'If I only had a brain!' and above Mr.
Cheney says, 'If I only had a heart!'"

Oh, how clever.  And funny, too.  I wonder how long it took 'em to come up
with something that original.  It bears repeating, these are the folks who
are teaching your kids in our government schools today.  Be afraid.  Be
very, very afraid.

Reporters Discover GI Bellyaching

"GIs of every war, as every top sarge knows, are fond of bitching. It's what
makes barracks life tolerable. A wise company commander begins to worry only
when his troops quit their bellyaching. . . . What we have in Iraq, however,
is not the complaining of GIs, but the work of bored correspondents eager
for scandal and longing to make Iraq II a really unpopular war, like the
Vietnam war they've all read about.

"Life for the dog soldier in Iraq is, by all accounts, rough and unpleasant,
uncomfortable and dangerous, though not necessarily as rough, unpleasant and
dangerous as the life of soldiers in almost any of the nation's earlier
wars. The complaints of the men (and women) in Iraq are actually no louder
or longer than the complaints of soldiers of those earlier wars. By all
accounts, they're eager to get on with the job they signed up to do. The
occasional reporter, persuaded that there's a Pulitzer in here somewhere if
only he could find it, makes bellyaching seem to be the universal order of
the day."

- Wesley Pruden, "Pruden on Politics," 7/8/03

Where the Fat Cats Live

"'The Nine Dwarfs' pursuing the Democratic Party presidential nomination
have been relentlessly asserting that the Republican Party is beholden to
the wealthy. It turns out, however, that it is the Democratic Party that has
been addicted to the million-dollar contributions from the nation's fat

"A recent study by the Center for Responsive Politics (CRP), a nonpartisan
campaign-finance research organization, reveals that the Democratic Party
gobbled up an astounding 92 percent of all individual contributions totaling
$1 million or more during the 2001-02 election cycle. Meanwhile, it was the
Republican Party that received 64 percent of all individual contributions
less than $200 per donor."

- Washington Times editorial, 7/8/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

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