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Goin' Nuclear

So many of you called Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist this weekend to urge
him to stop pussy-footing around with the Democrats who are blocking the
judicial nominations of Miguel Estrada and Priscilla Owen that his voice
mailbox was full by Sunday.  If you didn't get through, I hope you'll try
calling again today because this battle is really turning against us

Yesterday I caught the tail end of Fox News Sunday featuring Sen. Orrin
Hatch (R-Utah) and Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY).  Schumer kept saying over and
over again that the Democrats were NOT being obstructionists because they've
approved 126 of President Bush's 128 nominees.  Sen. Hatch did not have an
effective counter-response.

To the average voter not paying close attention to this issue, the GOP
charge of obstruction isn't going to pass the laugh test if Schumer's
numbers take root in the American conscience.  And they will.

The tide is quickly turning against us.  It's time to stop tap dancing and
finessing this issue and play a little hardball.  Or just give up.  The
current Republican strategy in the Senate isn't working and our position
becomes weaker every day the matter is unresolved.  It's time to use the
so-called "nuclear options" available to the Republican majority.

The number of the Majority Leader's office again is (202) 224-3135.  If his
mailbox is still full, try calling Sen. Frist's congressional office at
(202) 224-3344.

Political Arson

"It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless
minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds."

- Founding Father Samuel Adams

Fooled 'Em Again, Josey

"The inside-the-Beltway media kept telling us President Bush's tax bill was
doomed to failure. But the Texan's determination to accelerate economic
growth by lowering taxes across-the-board won over Congress. It came down to
the wire, but victory was pulled from the jaws of defeat.

"...Mr. Bush paid little attention to public-opinion surveys that showed
relatively lackluster voter support for his tax measures. Instead, he
decided to lead rather than follow. . . . This most underrated of
politicians has once more stuck it to his liberal adversaries. . . . They
still seem not to understand that on the issues of war and taxes the
brilliant President Bush is dooming them to minority-party status."

- Columnist Lawrence Kudlow

The Feds' Catch-and-Release Program

"Most local law enforcers and police departments already try to do their
duty and go after immigration violations. But the common complaint is that
they caught an illegal alien, called federal authorities and were told the
feds couldn't come get them, so let them go.  If securing the homeland is
paramount, 'let them go' isn't good enough."

- Columnist James R. Edwards Jr.

The Food Police

"Some people in America are sure they know what you should be eating. In
fact, they are so sure they are not willing just to stop at offering advice.
They want to use the power of the government to coerce you into eating as
they think you should. . . . Dictating our personal diets is not a proper
role for government."

- Columnist Peter Ferrara

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 Back on the Liberal Plantation

"The monochrome leftist (New York) Times doesn't seek any 'diversity' of
political views. When it says it seeks 'diversity,' it means a few more
highly visible 'Puerto Rican and house Negro' faces -- assuming they're of
the proper collectivist persuasion -- to grace the front window.

"What we're seeing here is the classic patronizing racism of the liberals'
New Plantation. No one said it aloud, but when the tweedy, isolated and
coddled old white men of the Times said young (ex-reporter Jason) Blair had
promise, they meant '... for a Negro.'  When they gave him chance after
chance after he was caught in errors and offenses which would have sent any
white aspirant packing four times over, what they really meant to say --
albeit never aloud -- was 'What do you expect of a Negro? We can't very well
let this one go; he's clearly the best of a sorry lot.'"

- Columnist Vin Suprynowicz

Endangered Political Species

"...White Democrats are an endangered species in  South. . . . White
Democrats dominated Texas politics for decades, creating legendary leaders
such as Sam Rayburn, John Connally and Lyndon Johnson. Only 20 years ago,
white Democrats had 21 of the 31 state Senate seats and 85 of the 150 House
seats. Today, only three of the 12 Senate Democrats and 19 of the 62 House
Democrats are white. There are now no white female Democrats in either house
of the Legislature for the first time since 1941."

- John Fund's "Political Diary," 5/22/03

Raising Cain

"If bringing black conservatism to the world's greatest deliberative body
sounds too good to be true, it isn't. Atlanta businessman [chairman of the
600-restaurant Godfather's Pizza chain] Herman Cain, 57, hopes to succeed
retiring Senator Zell Miller (D - Georgia). Cain has launched an exploratory
committee and Website ( and asked key GOP,
conservative and libertarian activists for their support. Cain's campaign
should excite Americans seeking a powerful new voice for free-market ideas."

- Columnist Deroy Murdock

Unions Are All the Same, But Not All are Created Equal

"If the United Auto Workers proposed that domestic automobile manufacturers
be paid a federal subsidy for each new employee they hired, or called for
making the interest on new-car loans tax-deductible, everyone would
recognize its self-serving aims -- to swell the ranks of auto workers and
increase its own membership.

"But when teachers unions demand hefty increases in education spending or
mandatory reductions in class size, they get a respectful hearing.  Union
officials are routinely quoted in the media and invited to testify before
legislative committees.  And yet their aims are no less self-serving and
their interests no less mercenary than those of any other union.

"...Teachers unions, like all unions, want to make money and amass power.
Those are the motives behind everything they say and do.  They're not in
business 'for the children.'  They're in business for themselves."

- Columnist Jeff Jacoby

Bonehead Rapper

O say can you hear
Like hysterical chickens
Enemy families scrambling
With their foreign fear.
Target with the drone
Then melt the ancient stone;

Ignore the pope
Burn infant hope.
Apologize for the human stew;

Brains fried
Glands crisp dried
Ears toasted
Thighs roasted
Blood and skin
For savage sausage
Barbecue ageing sages
Too old to flee

- Lyrics written by Rep. Major Owens, New York Democrat, for his new rap
song "Shock and Awe," Best of the Web, 5/23/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

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* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

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If you know someone who might like to receive News & Views, you can sign 'em
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full or experiences some other technical glitch.  If you suddenly stop
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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