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Um, Just for the Record.

"(President) Bush has now signed a tax cut in each of the first three years
of his presidency."

- Washington Times, 5/29/03

The Man from West Byrdginia

"Like Helen Thomas, American journalism's crazy old aunt in the attic, (Sen.
Robert) Byrd (D-WV) gets a lot of respect simply for endurance. But let's
face it: The man is batty. As it happens, his term ends at the end of the
current Congress. Perhaps someone should take him aside and gently suggest
that the time has come for him to retire. Hasn't this man embarrassed the
Mountain State enough?"

- James Taranto, Best of the Web, 5/29/03

One of DC's Many Swamps

"Christie Whitman has resigned after two largely ignominious years as head
of the Environmental Protection Agency, plagued by an inability to fully
understand the issues and a deputy who never met a regulation she didn't
like. . . . The EPA may be the worst regulatory agency in the history of the
world. . . . Draining the EPA swamp will be one of the toughest jobs in

- Henry Miller of the Hoover Institution

Model Terrorists:  Homeland Insecurity

"Model-rocket hobbyists must be licensed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco,
Firearms and Explosives before buying motors that are now considered
explosives under a homeland security law. . . . The Safe Explosives Act,
part of the Homeland Security Act passed by Congress last year, set the
regulations in motion and requires anyone purchasing or receiving explosives
to have a license. . . .  The new permit requires applicants to undergo a
background check, be fingerprinted and photographed, and it authorizes
warrantless searches of storage areas."

- Washington Times, 5/29/03

Baby, You Can't Drive My Car

"Did anyone bring it to the attention of Sultaana Freeman and her attorney
(ACLU shyster) that in Saudi Arabia, home of Mecca and Medina, the highest
holy cities of Freeman's religion, that Freeman would be allowed to keep the
veil on but not be allowed a driver's license, not be allowed to drive, not
be allowed to own a car, not be allowed to file a lawsuit, and not be
allowed in public without being in close custody of a male relative that is
responsible for her?  She has a choice, her veil or her driver's license.
The ACLU Shyster should be working at McDonald's asking if you want to super
size that order."

- News & Views reader

ACLU Misses the Boat

It's bad enough the ACLU is defending a woman in Florida claiming religious
exemption from having her photo taken for a drivers license, but now they're
going after the fed's new "Click It or Ticket" seatbelt campaign.  Don't get
me wrong.  I am, always have been and will continue to be opposed to
government-mandated forced seat belt usage as an infringement on individual
liberty.  But the ACLU isn't opposing the program's checkpoints for
everybody on constitutional grounds; only those that are set up in Hispanic
neighborhoods, claiming racial profiling.  How can one organization be so
consistently wrong even when they're right?

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SPAM Does Not Need a Gov't Fix...or Tax

"I went on to explain (to Sen. Mark Dayton's staffer) that SPAM is really
only a problem for the 'ignorant' or 'lazy.'  All email software (Outlook,
Eudora... etc.) has SPAM filtering functions.  All internet providers (AOL,
MSN, local ISPs... etc.) also offer the same function.  If Sen. Dayton
really wanted to target SPAMMERS, don't tax 'em, teach people how to handle
SPAM.  Of course, that was way too logical for the staffer to digest.
Besides, they would lose the revenue from the tax (and the resulting pork
they could add to their legislation).  I say to hell with the email tax."

- News & Views reader Mark Kerkemeyer

The Speech Police

"Oh, heck:  Hell hath no place in American primary and high school
textbooks.  But then again you can't find anyone riding on a yacht or
playing polo in the pages of an American textbook either.  The texts also
may not say someone has a boyish figure, or is a busboy, or is blind, or
suffers a birth defect, or is a biddy, or the best man for the job, a babe,
a book worm, or even a barbarian.

"All these words are banned form U.S. textbooks on the grounds that they are
either elitist (polo, yacht), sexist (babe, boyish figure), offensive
(blind, bookworm), ageist (biddy), or just too strong (hell, which is
replaced with darn or heck).  'God' is also a banned word in the textbooks
because he or she is too religious."

- Arthur Spiegelman, Reuters News Agency

Mandated Morality TV

"...Media Research Center's L. Brent lobbying for the government
to dictate morality on television through a mandated 'family hour.' . . .
We're against a federal dictate for family programming for the same reason
we're against it for school curricula: Once this power is ceded to the
government, values are defined by bureaucrats."

- Washington Times editorial, 5/29/03

Live by Quotas, Die By Quotas

"Leading black Democrats in Congress and the national party are protesting
the layoffs of 10 minority staffers at the party's headquarters. . . . 'I'm
just outraged,' said Donna Brazile, who served as Al Gore's campaign manager
in the last presidential election and is also the chairman of the DNC's
Voting Rights Institute. 'They started reading me the names and I said 'Oh,
oh - they're all black.' I went through the roof.' "

- Associated Press, 5/29/03  [Hmm, tell me again why more than 90% of blacks
vote Democrat?  Do they LIKE being taken for granted?]

Third Term for Bubba?

"Former President Bill Clinton said on Wednesday Congress should change the
rule that barred him from seeking a third term in the White House, but
stopped short of saying he wants to return as commander-in-chief."

- Washington Post, 5/29/03

The Party Guests Who Just Won't Leave

"The Clintons are back--but then they never really left. More than two years
after Bill and Hillary departed the White House with controversies about
presidential pardons and missing furniture swirling about them, they still
occupy front-row seats in American politics.

"The former president does not seem to let a week pass without criticizing
his successor. His former finance chairman, Terry McAuliffe, remains at the
helm of the Democratic National Committee, despite the party's rout in last
November's election. Simon & Schuster will be hawking Mrs. Clinton's memoirs
next month, and she's considered the leading candidate for the Democratic
nomination in 2008 should President Bush be re-elected.

"...The publication of Hillary's memoirs next month, followed by her
husband's just before the presidential election next year, will create a lot
of buzz and may even sell a fair number of books. But the attention will
benefit the Clintons, not the party whose ideals they claim to champion.  As
the Clintons continue to suck the oxygen out of the political atmosphere,
more and more Democrats are going to find themselves yearning to breathe

- John Fund's Political Diary, 5/29/03

Even D's Are Sick of the Clintons

"Hillary Clinton is never going to be president.  There is no more divisive
figure in the Democratic Party, much less the country, than the former first
lady. And I like her. But many women do not. Even Democratic women. Even
working women. . . . (As for Bill Clinton) the more attention he gets, the
more the Democrats of the future suffer. He would be the first to say this,
if it were not about him. . . . Enough with the Clintons. Please. Not for
the sake of the Republicans. But for the Democrats."

- Former 1988 Michael Dukakis campaign manager Susan Estrich

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Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
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Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
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