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Spoken Like a True Liberal

"Government support for the arts is not a frivolous giveaway that some
believe.  It's a good investment and sound economic development."

- Actor Robert Redford

"Survey Says!"

The post office is showing a whopping $5 billion "profit" for the year
ending July 11 after boosting the cost of first-class stamps by 3 cents.  In
light of the windfall, should the cost of first-class stamps now be rolled
back? Cast your online vote by going to the "Survey Says" page at

What's In a Name?

I know I've written about this before...but it deserves repeating: If you
are a candidate, potential candidate or elected official, BUY YOUR DOMAIN
NAME...NOW!  Before somebody who doesn't like you DOES.  If your name is
Bill Johnson, buy TODAY.

I've been telling people about this for a couple years now, and am still
amazed at how many elected well as candidates with
high-priced to do this one, simple thing in this Internet
age.  The latest example comes from my home state of Nevada where state Sen.
Ray Rawson failed to buy  This week, opponents of Rawson
purchased HIS domain name and put up an ANTI-Rawson web site.  There just is
NO excuse for this kind of negligence.

On the other hand, you should ALWAYS check to see if your political opponent
has been stupid enough to allow you to buy HIS domain name.  I checked to
see if terminally incompetent Tony Dane, the addle-minded clod mismanaging
the soon-to-fail copy-cat recall attempt of Nevada's governor, was smart
enough to secure  Not surprisingly, he wasn't.

Guess who owns it now?  :)

Campaign Hot Tips

New to campaigns and grassroots activism?  Seasoned veteran who recognizes
there's always something new to learn?  Then sign up for Mark Montini's FREE
"Campaign Hot Tips" e-newsletter at:

Ashcroft Losing Support on the Right

"I have always considered John Ashcroft a friend, and I certainly appreciate
the difficulty of his current job, but like many of those who have supported
him in the past, I find myself stunned not only by his failure, rhetoric
aside, to understand the need to balance the demand for security with the
need to safeguard individual freedom but with the way in which he is trying
to consign anyone who questions anything the government does to the ranks of
terrorist sympathizers. He knows better, and those he is now attacking have
every right to resent the mischaracterization of their motives and integrity
emanating from his office."

- David Keene, chairman, American Conservative Union

Just a Reminder

"Al Qaeda is still out there."

- Columnist Morton Kondrake

Know Thy Enemy

"There are around the world thousands of Islamic fanatics who want to kill
Americans because they believe Allah is down with that.  These people are
taught from the time they are children that Jews and Americans are
undeserving of life on this planet.  There is no negotiation with most of
these zealots; there is nothing one can say to dissuade them.  They want
blood, and they will use any and all means to get it. . . . It's us or

- Columnist Bill O'Reilly

4.75 cents-per-minute Long Distance

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* Calling Card Rate is 10 cents per minute
* No monthly service charge unless your bill is less than $20.00 a month
(then a $1.99 service charge will apply)
* No need to change your local phone company
* No hassles
* Easy sign-up.
* And a small portion of each bill goes to help continue publishing our FREE
Chuck Muth's News & Views e-newsletter.  Just go to:

Sen. Osama Mamma

"While the rest of us, Democrats and Republicans alike, spent this September
11 mourning those whom we must never forget, Sen. Patty Murray of Washington
presided over a fund-raising breakfast for 'a small group of supporters' who
were hungry enough on a day of national remembrance to pay a thousand
dollars for a plate of bacon and eggs.

"...The breakfast was held between 8:30 and 9:30, spanning exactly the hour
two years earlier when the first planes hit the World Trade Center towers,
so that anyone with a thought for the slain Americans could have 10 seconds
of private silence between the grits and a fourth slice of bacon. It's not
as if the lady was greedy. She did refrain from sending aides to pass the
hat at ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery.

"...Patty Murray and her like-minded friends live on a planet unknown to
astronomers. She set off a mild uproar last year with her suggestion that
Osama bin Laden, recognized as an evil monster by the civilized world, is
more "popular" than George W. Bush because he builds roads and schools and
day-care centers and the Americans and their allies do not."

- Wesley Pruden, "Pruden On Politics," 9/16/03

Modern Fable

"This nonsense about the United Nations rescuing America in Iraq is
something Aesop would have published."

- Columnist Bill O'Reilly

And How Did That Turn Out Again?

"His campaign reminds me a lot of what we did 30 years ago."

- Former Democrat presidential candidate George McGovern on current
presidential candidate Howard Dean's campaign, "Washington Whispers," U.S.
News & World Report, 9/22/03

Moore Idiocy

"You may be the person who can defeat George W. Bush in next year's
election. . . . We need candidates in this race who will say the things that
need to be said, to push the pathetically lame Democratic Party into having
a backbone - or get out of the way and let us have a REAL second party on
the ballot.  This is war, General, and it's Bush & Co.'s war on us. It's
their war on the middle class, the poor, the environment, their war on women
and their war against anyone around the world who doesn't accept total
American domination."

- "Filmmaker" Michael Moore in a letter of support, but not "endorsement,"
to Gen. Wesley Clark

Duke and the Democrats

"Modern Democrats insist on confronting thugs and tyrants with tea and
sympathy.  This approach was expressed indelibly by Michael Dukakis in 1988,
who, when asked during the debates with George H.W. Bush how he would deal
with a rapist in his wife's bedroom, offered to set up a blue-ribbon
commission to study the root causes of crime. Poor Kitty Dukakis was to be
left in her nightie to deal with the brute while the little Duke hurried off
in search of ribbons."

- Wesley Pruden, "Pruden on Politics," 9/16/03

Affordable Campaign Websites!

Now you can get professional-looking campaign web sites for as little as $10
a month.  That's right...just ten smackeroos a month.  Here's what's
included in this fantastic new program from Campaign Secrets, Inc.
(available ONLY to Republican candidates):

* Free Hosting
* Unique Domain Name
* Personal Email Accounts
* Credit Card Processing
* Unlimited Edits
* Event Calendar
* Volunteer Sign-up Page
* Built-in Bulk Emailer

Campaign Site Builder can be used for political organizations and
non-profits, as well.  For more information, just go to:

How to Subscribe

If you'd like to receive our FREE News & Views e-newsletter, you can sign up

Published by Citizen Outreach
Chuck Muth
611 Pennsylvania Avenue, SE, #439
Washington, DC  20003-4303

Citizen Outreach is a 501(c)(3) non-profit public policy organization and
does not endorse candidates or lobby for specific legislation.  The opinions
and views expressed in Chuck Muth's News & Views reflect those of the
writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of Citizen Outreach, its officers, directors or employees.

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