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The Bottom Line

"No nation, and certainly not the United Nations, will care more about
America or American interests than America will."

- Columnist Cal Thomas

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Stupid Is As Stupid Does

"Saddam Hussein has invited members of Congress to visit Iraq.  Man how
stupid is Hussein?  If you think Bush had incentive to bomb Iraq before,
imagine if Congress was over there!"

- NBC's "Tonight Show" host Jay Leno

Go Al, Go!

"Former Vice President Al Gore is not the President of the United States. He
did nothing this week to make anyone weep over that fact.

"Mr. Gore still WANTS to be President of the United States and is prepared
to do or say whatever he thinks will move that process ahead,
notwithstanding what the National Democrats in Washington want him to do (go
away), or say (nothing).

"According to a NY Times report by Dean Murphy, Gore was specifically asked
whether this speech was 'out of step' with the National Democrats.Gore said,
'I don't know and I don't really care.'  He views this independent stance as
being Alpha Male-esque and, we assume, a good thing."

- Rich Galen, "Mullings," 9/25/02

Where "Hanging Chads" Has a Different Meaning

"It is so nice to see that former Vice President Al Gore has gotten on with
his life and is apparently launching his campaign to seek the nomination of
Iraq's Baathist Party.  I wish him all the best in the primary against
Saddam Hussein."

- Jeff Hartman, letter-to-the-editor, Baltimore Sun, 9/25/02

King of Hypocrites

"In his speech in San Francisco Monday, former Vice President Al Gore,
lambasting the current President Bush for trying to distract attention to
failings in the war on terror by launching an attack on Iraq, said the first
President Bush ended the 1991 Gulf War too soon.

"'Back in 1991, I was one of a handful of Democrats in the United States
Senate to vote in favor of the resolution endorsing the Persian Gulf War,
and I felt betrayed by the first Bush administration's hasty departure from
the battlefield,' Gore told an enthusiastic crowd at the Commonwealth Club.

"However, on April 18, 1991, Gore felt differently, according to his own
remarks. Speaking on the floor of the Senate, of which he was a member, Gore
said then-President George H.W. Bush acted correctly in ending the Persian
Gulf War when he did.

"'I want to state this clearly, President Bush should not be blamed for
Saddam Hussein's survival to this point. There was throughout the war a
clear consensus that the United States should not include the conquest of
Iraq among its objectives. On the contrary, it was universally accepted that
our objective was to push Iraq out of Kuwait, and it was further understood
that when this was accomplished, combat should stop.'"

- Fox News, 9/25/02

Homeland Insecurity

"I'm convinced that the newly proposed Department of Homeland Security will
do nothing to make us more secure - but will make us all a lot poorer and
less free.  If the trend continues, the Department of Homeland Security may
well be the vehicle used by some future administration for a much more
ruthless control of the people than any of us dreams."

- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)

Alien Nation

You will not read a more shocking account of just how porous America's
borders have become -- and remain -- than in Michelle Malkin's new book

Based on exhaustive research and interviews with dozens of current and
former immigration officials, Invasion shows how and why every component of
America's immigration system has failed: from kowtowing consular offices, to
unguarded borders and ports of entry, to toothless detention and deportation

Malkin, one of America's most important young journalists and a
first-generation American of Filipino descent, pulls no punches as she
reveals how foreign enemies get a helping hand from federal immigration
policies created in the name of bureaucratic 'efficiency,' 'customer
service,' political correctness, and plain greed.

You'll be shocked and outraged when you read Michelle Malkin's Invasion.
To order now and save almost 30% off the bookstore price, click here:

So Help Me.Whoever

"Police recruits in Honolulu will no longer say, 'So help me God,' when they
take the oath required of all new police officers. Wire reports say the
group Hawaii Citizens for the Separation of State and Church pressured the
police department to omit the word 'God' on constitutional grounds."

-, 9/25/02


"A woman may need hate crime legislation like a fish needs a bicycle, but
feminist never seem to worry that demanding stronger punishment for 'hate'
crimes risks a return to the bad old days of men getting light sentences for
'love' crimes."

- Columnist Catherine Seipp, Reason magazine, October 2002

Stop Union Violence

"All to often, hard-working Americans are the victims of union violence
during labor disputes.  These individuals have been harassed, physically
threatened, beaten, stabbed, and even shot.  This type of violence shouldn't
be tolerated in America and must stop.  It is one thing to strike and quite
another to engage in criminal activity.

"As the nation discusses the true scope of corporate corruption - and
possible public policy responses - it is most appropriate to have a parallel
dialogue about the problem of union violence.  Many labor leaders have been
vocal in recent months about bashing corporate America for various
accounting scandals, and its time to take a closer look at their own

"Corporate malfeasance by a few bad apples has no place in our economy or
our country, and neither does violence by some unions.  The time has come
for the leaders of the labor movement to repudiate acts of violence."

- John Berthoud, president, National Taxpayers Union, 9/23/02 []

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(then a $2.50 service charge will apply) * No need to change your local
phone company * No hassles * Easy sign-up. *And a small portion of each bill
goes to help continue publishing our FREE Chuck Muth's News & Views
e-newsletter. go to:// today.

Battle for the Conservative Soul

"The fight for the right in under way, led by a triumvirate intent on
reclaiming the conservative movement.  Today marks the debut of the American
Conservative magazine, a collaboration of Pat Buchanan, former New York Post
editorial-page editor Scott McConnell and Taki Theodoracopulos, a worldly
and acerbic columnist to be reckoned with.

"...The debut of the 12,000-circulation magazine have set critics buzzing
over paleocons, theocons, and neocons - and the sure demise of the American
Conservative, which is already being called 'TAC.'  Badinage among pundits
has given way to potshots.

"The magazine is 'Buchanan's surefire flop,' predicted the New Republic. . .
. The New York Times called Mr. Buchanan 'a scold for the right' and
suggested that the creation of another political journal is akin 'to putting
money down a rathole.'

"...The American Conservative will be available in some bookstores and by
subscription from their web site:"

- Washington Times, 9/25/02

The Devil's In the Details

So far it is under the radar screen for most people, but a real brouhaha is
developing over what would normally be a non-controversial bill in Congress
to overhaul our bankruptcy laws.

On the surface, the bill has merit.  Bankruptcy has become so easy and lost
so much of its stigma, that people are abusing it in order to discharge
debts that they can and should be repaying.  The explosion of personal
bankruptcies costs all of us in higher prices for consumer goods, as well as
higher interest rates.

Now the fly in the ointment...

New York Sen. Chuckie Schumer (D) has inserted a little amendment in the
bill which appears to target and penalize folks protesting against abortion
in front of abortion clinics.

According to pro-life groups, the amendment leaves left-wingers free to do
what they will - particularly unions thugs - while singling out folks who
oppose abortions and exercise their free speech rights to voice that

Bill backers say the objections are off base.  But the pro-lifers ain't
buying it.  And to tell you the truth, while I may not always agree with the
tactics of some pro-life activists, I'll "defend to the death" their right
to voice their opinion.

So unless or until the free speech concerns of pro-lifers with regard to the
"Bankruptcy Reform Act of 2002" are resolved, everyone - pro-life AND
pro-choice - should oppose passage of this legislation.  Free speech should
apply to EVERYONE, not just the left.

If you want more specific information on this issue, Lori Waters of the
Eagle Forum suggests going to these links.



In Your Heart You Know He's Right

"I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more
efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote
welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to
repeal them. It is not to inaugurate new programs, but to cancel old ones
that do violence to the Constitution, or that have failed in their purpose,
or that impose on the people an unwarranted financial burden. I will not
attempt to discover whether legislation is 'needed' before I have first
determined whether it is constitutionally permissible. And if I should later
be attacked for neglecting my constituents' interests, I shall reply that I
was informed their main interest is liberty and that in that cause I am
doing the very best I can."

- Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.), "The Conscience of a Conservative"  Join
the "next generation of Goldwater Conservatives" by joining the Goldwater
Club.  Annual dues for as little as $25.  Just go to:


Published by The Goldwater Club
Chuck Muth, Editor/Publisher
P.O. Box 19893
Alexandria, VA  22320
Phone:  (702) 391-0222

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of the writers, editors and columnists therein and do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the sponsors, advertisers ... heck, even some of our
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