This is rather ironic.   After asking for Savannah files and never
hearing more than one or two at a time, this morning the only sparrow
in large numbers ended up being a 30+ flock of Savannah Sparrows.  Now
I have tons of visually confirmed Savannah flight calls.
(Completely gone over the last week were the huge numbers of Song and

I also recorded FOY Meadowlark (3) and am trying to figure out what
was rooting around in the 6ft grasses right next to me.  (Best guess
is a pig or a pheasant...short grunting noises.)

Lastly, right at dawn, I recorded a loose flock of smaller birds (I
believe smaller than Blackbirds/Starlings).  I can't match the flight
calls to anything and tried to attach the file but my message got
bounced back.

The calls are at 6-8 kHZ, somewhat burry, often double notes.

Andrew Albright

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 10:33 PM, Andrew Albright
<> wrote:
> Thank you everyone for your help with the me plenty to
> compare my recordings to.
> Sincerely,
> Andrew
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 6:59 AM, Andrew Farnsworth
> <> wrote:
>> Good morning all,
>> Andrew, quick note: Conservation Science Program at the Lab of Ornithology
>> has numerous recordings of Savannah Sparrow flight calls from past years
>> (and probably last night as well, given the composition of recent
>> movements), as does, I suspect, Powdermill Avian Research Center and a suite
>> of other people.  We're looking into some ways to make these available. . .
>> BUT. . .in the interim, you should be able to find Savannah Sparrow flight
>> call .WAV files for playback/review on the Evans and O'Brien (2002) CD-ROM.
>> I believe that they are 12 or 13 files in the SPARROWS/SAVS folder with the
>> identifier SAVS or IPSP
>> Best,
>> Andrew


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