Hi, all.
Thanks to Matt Hafner for these great observations from Florida.
> Has anyone else heard a large predawn flight with such a lack  
> of diversity?  Most of my listening has been inland in the
> and while I've had plenty of thrush-dominated mornings, I've never  
> had a single species compose so much of the calls.   
Gimme a few months, please, and I'll be able to post a quantitative
summary for July-November for Boulder County, Colorado, 2007-2009.
In late July and early August, when we have decent flights (30+ flight
calls per hour), they are dominated by Chipping Sparrows. I'd say
80-100% of the flight calls are given by Chipping Sparrows on those
nights with decent flights; by mid-August, diversity increases. These
lateJuly/earlyAugust flights are full-on, sustained, middle-of-the-night
flights of birds on active nocturnal migration. (Cf. ongoing discussion
about the definition of night; and "old-timers" may recall that we
discussed zugunruhe vis-a-vis actual nocturnal migration, way back in
the old days of August 2009!)
Here's something to ponder. I'm certain that warbler/sparrow calls are
going to be more than 90% of all flight calls, in the final analysis
here in Colorado. Probably more than 95% of all flight calls. The total
number of thrush calls is going to be less than 1%, and perhaps down
around 0.1%.
In contrast, y'all Back East have experiences like this: thousands of
thrushes; a decent smattering of grosbeaks, tanagers, and Bobolinks; and
1 or 2 sparrow notes. (There have been several such postings to NFC-L in
the past month; seriously, *one or two* sparrow/warbler flight calls
amid literally thousands of flight calls of larger species.) Here in
Colorado, again, the warbler/sparrow notes are dominant, overwhelmingly
I've been out most nights the past 2 weeks, and I've heard absolutely
nothing but warblers and sparrows. The IDs are provisional, but most
seem to be Orange-crowned and Yellow-rumped Warblers, plus Chipping,
White-crowned, and Lincoln's Sparrows. Mainly presumed Yellow-rumps and
White-crowns. Believe me, if I heard a thrush or Bobolink, or just a
wimpy Western Tanager, I'd jump out of my pants.
Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado
P.s. I'm talking about fall in Colorado. In spring, we get Swainson's
Thrushes, Bobolinks, grosbeaks, buntings, all that good stuff.


NFC-L List Info:

1) http://www.mail-archive.com/nfc-l@cornell.edu/maillist.html
2) http://birdingonthe.net/mailinglists/NFCL.html
3) http://www.surfbirds.com/birdingmail/Group/NFC-L

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