Dear list members,

I would like to add a tag to a block so I can easily select a few blocks and 
print them in another chapter.

In the below MWE I would like to print the normal (non-tagged) block in the 
first chapter. The second block with the tag [exam] should not be processed in 
the first chapter and only appear in the second chapter.

According to the wiki and reference manual it should be possible using either 
\useblocks or \selectblocks but I can't get it to work.

Who can help me out?

Best regards,
Jan Willem Flamma

\defineenumeration[answer]  [location=margin,text=Answer]




\startchapter[title=Chapter for regular questions]

Normal question
Normal answer

Exam question
Exam answer




\startchapter[title=Chapter for exam questions]

\startsection[title=Exam Questions]
%\useblocks[question][exam]   %<--- does not work

\startsection[title=Exam Answers]
%\useblocks[answer][exam]     %<--- does not work


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