Peter Münster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

 | On Thu, 22 Dec 2005, leon wrote:
 | > I need to finish up a CV in 2 weeks. I'd appreciate if you can point out
 | > some resources on writing resume using conTeXt. Many thanks.
 | I only know the LaTeX style "currvita.sty". It's nice, perhaps you can
 | translate the macros to ConTeXt?
 | Cheers, Peter

Thanks. I will think about it.

.     *                               . 
.    /.\        Merry Christmas       . 
.   /..'\                             . 
.   /'.'\                  -- Leon    . 
.  /.''.'\                            . 
.  /.'.'.\                            . 
. /'.''.'.\                           . 
. ^^^[_]^^^                           . 

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