The following admittedly contrived example exposes a problem
with vertical alignment of footnotes. The problem was first 
encountered with a multipage table where the footnotes became
more far apart instead of on top of each other as here. It 
appears the problem only occurs if 
1. there is a cell with multiple lines
2. there is a cell that spans several columns.

Is there a workaround?

Regards, Johan

{\startlocalfootnotes[n=0, location={text, none}]
\bTR\bTD \input knuth \footnote{C1}\eTD\bTD A\footnote{C1}\eTD\bTD\eTD\eTR
\bTR\bTD[nx=2] A\footnote{A2}\eTD\bTD A\eTD\eTR

Johan Sandblom  N8, MRC, Karolinska sjh  
t +46851776108  17176 Stockholm  
m +46735521477  Sweden           
"What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the 
will to find out, which is the exact opposite" 
-- Bertrand Russell

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