Hi, this question was rised in my ConTeXt beginners workshop* at Chemnitz Linux Days today:

Can I configure binding correction for saddle-stitched or thread-bound booklets, and if, does it only work with arranging (imposition) or can I enable it somehow for the layout (if the printshop does the imposition)?

Also I recognized I'm not sure about the difference of the layout parameters backspace and cutspace.


*) 8 participants who endured 3 hours of me mostly talking… Further questions that I couldn't answer for sure were about PDF/A or PDF/UA and how color profiles are handled within ConTeXt and at printshops (my monitor is profiled, but I know I have to edit images "too bright" to have them look right in print). I need to investigate further before I can ask precise questions.

When JUH yesterday had his shorter talk about "corporate publishing with Markdown and ConTeXt", the lecture hall was stuffed.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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