> if you download the latest alpha release, the engine subpath stuff
> should work; if not, run:

Please pardon my tedious questions. I have tried doing what you
suggest, but I must be doing something wrong. I downloaded the alpha
cont-tmf.zip. Then I unzipped it into an empty ~/texmf. Then I ran
texhash and saw that it updated ~/texmf/ls-R.

> ctxtools --make --all        (ruby script)

To invoke ctxtools, I ran
ruby ~/texmf/scripts/context/ruby/ctxtools.rb --make --all
Nothing happened except the following output:
CtxTools | version 1.2.2 - 2004/2005 - PRAGMA ADE/POD

CtxTools | --bbeditinterface    generate bbedit syntax files [--pipe]
CtxTools | --contextversion     report context version
CtxTools | --documentation      generate documentation file [--type=]
[filename]CtxTools | --jeditinterface     generate jedit syntax files
CtxTools | --patternfiles       generate pattern files [languagecode|all]
CtxTools | --purgefiles         remove temporary files [--all] [basename]
CtxTools | --rawinterface       generate raw syntax files [--pipe]
CtxTools | --sciteinterface     generate scite syntax files [--pipe]
CtxTools | --touchcontextfile   update context version
CtxTools | --translateinterface generate interface files (xml) [nl de ..]

Inovking texexec on my tex file in either of the following
incantations results in an error:
perl ~/texmf/scripts/context/perl/texexec.pl --pdf myfile.tex
/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux/texexec --pdf myfile.tex

This is a summary of all `failed' messages and warnings:
`pdfetex -ini  -jobname=cont-en -progname=context -8bit *cont-en.ini' failed
warning: kpathsea: mktexpk output `! I can't read pdfetex.pool; bad
path?' instead of a filename.
Sorry, I can't find the format `cont-en.fmt'; will try `context.fmt'.
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt context.fmt
fmtutil: no info for format `context'.
I can't find the format file `context.fmt'!

So perhaps there are some other steps I am missing? Do I need to move
updated scripts into
/usr/TeX/bin/i386-linux ?

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