
In order to keep ConTeXt maintained for the very long term future, I am
wondering if there a possibility to join a foundation like the Apache
Software Foundation, Linux Foundation, etc.

Also perhaps more to a more liberal license so there can be commercial use
of ConTeXt with some of it trickling to as code contributions, wider usage
which may further translate to support and consultancy work for those
familiar with ConTeXt. If commercial system uses ConTeXt as part of their
system there is a chance that is it is in their best interest to maintain
it also long as these systems are in operation.

Also perhaps it might be best than just depend on TeX maybe fork TeX and
improve it in a ConTeXt dependent way. This way ConTeXt more feature-rich
and easier to maintain than carrying the technical burden of TeX. There are
system like SILE typesetter (https://sile-typesetter.org/) which are
developed from the ground up and also The Tectonic Typesetting System (

This is just some ideas which I thought might be worthwhile considering.

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

maillist : ntg-context@ntg.nl / http://www.ntg.nl/mailman/listinfo/ntg-context
webpage  : http://www.pragma-ade.nl / http://context.aanhet.net
archive  : https://bitbucket.org/phg/context-mirror/commits/
wiki     : http://contextgarden.net

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