I tried to build on a previously compilable table generating context file, but can not do so now. Here is a simple example:

I am getting a " ! Undefined control sequence
                      Line #.20   which is ==>    \bTABLEheader

Do I have hidden bug in my script or did this change?
I'd appreciate hellp of this.


% start here


       \bTR  \bTD \eTD        \dorecurse{\COLCNT}  { \bTH #1 \eTH } \eTR
         %  col label cells    % ... data cells ...........

          \bTD #1 \eTD   % row label cells
\dorecurse{\COLCNT} { \bTD \eTD } % data rows (use #1:##1 for r# : c#)

% end of example
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