Hi Hraban,

follow up on chat ...


\startMPcode % {doublefun}

mfun_bend_tolerance := 0.002; % double : 131/65536
mfun_bend_tolerance := 0.02 ; % scaled

vardef iscurved(expr p, i, tolerance) =
    save d, b, r ; boolean r ; r := true ;
d := (xpart precontrol i of p) - (xpart postcontrol (i-1) of p) ; b := abs((xpart postcontrol (i-1) of p) - (xpart point (i-1) of p) - d);
    if b <= tolerance :
        b := abs((xpart point i of p) - (xpart precontrol i of p) - d) ;
        if b <= tolerance :
d := (ypart precontrol i of p) - (ypart postcontrol (i-1) of p) ; b := abs((ypart postcontrol (i-1) of p) - (ypart point (i-1) of p) - d) ;
            if b <= tolerance :
b := abs((ypart point i of p) - (ypart precontrol i of p) - d) ;
                if b <= tolerance :
                    r := false ;
                fi ;
            fi ;
        fi ;
    fi ;
enddef ;

path p ; p := fullcircle scaled 10cm ;
path q ; q := fullsquare scaled 10cm ;
path r ; r := fullsquare scaled 10cm randomized 1cm ;

draw p ; draw q ; draw r ;





                                          Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
              Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
       tel: 038 477 53 69 | www.pragma-ade.nl | www.pragma-pod.nl
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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