Re: [NTG-context] Table generator : Issues with borders and rotated cells

2018-06-27 Thread Wolfgang Schuster

Xavier Dionne 
19. Juni 2018 um 03:26

Hi everyone,

Excuse my poor English. I recently updated my online table generator 
( to support ConTeXt. It also supports many 
languages, like LaTeX, Plain TeX, Markdown, HTML and more. It uses the 
eXtreme table format and supports many features including :

- Borders, border width and border color

- Merged cells

- Background color

- Alignment (flushleft, center, flushright)

- Splitted tables

- Rotated tables

- Caption

- More...

However, I have many issues that I have trouble to fix.

1/ I have many troubles with borders, because I can't set the color 
and the width of each border. Instead, I use "fake rows" and "fake 
cells" when it is necessary. However, I can't figure out how to set 
the height of a row to 0.4pt. It's always bigger. So, instead I use 
"location=hanging" on this row but, because of this, borders are 
hidden behind the next row's background. What can I do about this ?

Frames accept only a single color and line thickness for all borders but 
there are two ways to set different values for each side The first 
method is to disable the frame and apply a background graphic where you 
draw different lines for each side. The other method is to create a 
custom renderer for each frame (top, bottom etc.) where you can than 
apply a different color or linewidth for each side, below (and also 
attached) is a example where I show how this can be done.


 begin meta-imp-mpframe.mkiv
  draw leftboundary OverlayBox
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{leftrulethickness}
withcolor \MPcolor{\framedparameter{leftframecolor}} ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

  draw rightboundary OverlayBox
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{rightrulethickness}
withcolor \MPcolor{\framedparameter{rightframecolor}} ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

  draw topboundary OverlayBox
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{toprulethickness}
withcolor \MPcolor{\framedparameter{topframecolor}} ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

  draw bottomboundary OverlayBox
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{bottomrulethickness}
withcolor \MPcolor{\framedparameter{bottomframecolor}} ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

\installleftframerenderer   {mp} {\useMPgraphic{mp_frame_left}}
\installrightframerenderer  {mp} {\useMPgraphic{mp_frame_right}}
\installtopframerenderer{mp} {\useMPgraphic{mp_frame_top}}
\installbottomframerenderer {mp} {\useMPgraphic{mp_frame_bottom}}

  [ leftframecolor=\framedparameter{framecolor},

 end meta-imp-mpframe.mkiv

 begin mpframe.tex

   % use the custom frame renderer for all four sides:



 end mpframe.tex

  draw leftboundary OverlayBox 
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{leftrulethickness}
withcolor \MPcolor{\framedparameter{leftframecolor}} ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

  draw rightboundary OverlayBox 
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{rightrulethickness}
withcolor \MPcolor{\framedparameter{rightframecolor}} ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

  draw topboundary OverlayBox 
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{toprulethickness}
withcolor \MPcolor{\framedparameter{topframecolor}} ;
  setbounds currentpicture to OverlayBox ;

  draw bottomboundary OverlayBox 
withpen pensquare scaled \frameddimension{bottomrulethickness}

[NTG-context] Table generator : Issues with borders and rotated cells

2018-06-19 Thread Xavier Dionne
Hi everyone,

Excuse my poor English. I recently updated my online table generator 
( to support ConTeXt. It also supports many languages, 
like LaTeX, Plain TeX, Markdown, HTML and more. It uses the eXtreme table 
format and supports many features including :
- Borders, border width and border color
- Merged cells
- Background color
- Alignment (flushleft, center, flushright)
- Splitted tables
- Rotated tables
- Caption
- More...

However, I have many issues that I have trouble to fix.

1/ I have many troubles with borders, because I can't set the color and the 
width of each border. Instead, I use "fake rows" and "fake cells" when it is 
necessary. However, I can't figure out how to set the height of a row to 0.4pt. 
It's always bigger. So, instead I use "location=hanging" on this row but, 
because of this, borders are hidden behind the next row's background. What can 
I do about this ?

MWE without background color :

  \startxcell[rightframe=off,framecolor=cyan] A\stopxcell
  \startxcell[rightframe=off,framecolor=FlushOrange] B\stopxcell


MWE with background color

  \startxcell[rightframe=off,framecolor=cyan] A\stopxcell
  \startxcell[rightframe=off,framecolor=FlushOrange] B\stopxcell


2/ I have trouble with rotated cells. It seems to affect the width of the 
table. How can I use a rotated cell without setting manually a fixed width.


  \startxcell \rotate[rotation=90]{Test test test}\stopxcell
  \startxcell Test\stopxcell
  \startxcell Test\stopxcell
  \startxcell Test\stopxcell

Thank you !

- X.D.
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