Hi all,
if you happen to have some time, please resync with CVS and get the
latest ntop. What's new? very simple, ntop should be used as a
probe+WebClient. Nevertheless, in many situation you don't need a web
interface but a command line or API interface. Let's clarify this point.
Suppose that every night at midnight you want to save in a file the
names of the hosts that sent IPX traffic. ntop can't do that although
you can browse (not very convenient) at midnight the list of currently
active hosts. 

In the past months I have developed a remote interface API that has not
really been used. Now I want to try again hoping that this time somebody
will develop something useful. I have reworked the remote interface. If
you access "http://<host>:<port>/dumpData.html" you can see that ntop
emits in Perl format a hash that contains most of the information
contained inside the ntop engine. Have a look at
remoteInterfaceAPI/Perl/remoteClient.pl for a simple client.

My idea is to submit this to you and receive feedback. If you like it I
would like to enhance it and make is parametric i.e. add support for
Python, PHP,... and many other scripting languages so you can use ntop
the way you want.

Comments folks?

Have a nice week-end, Luca

Luca Deri                Telecom Italia IT
Via Matteucci 34/B       56124 Pisa, Italy.
Ph. +39/050/968.639      Fax. +39/050/968.626
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://luca.ntop.org/
ICQ: 68183632
Software is about stuff, about getting hands dirty - Jim Coplien

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