[Numpy-discussion] Owndata flag

2011-12-15 Thread Fabrice Silva
How can one arbitrarily assumes that an ndarray owns its data ?

More explicitly, I have some temporary home-made C structure that holds
a pointer to an array. I prepare (using Cython) an numpy.ndarray using
the PyArray_NewFromDescr function. I can delete my temporary C structure
without freeing the memory holding array, but I wish the numpy.ndarray
becomes the owner of the data. 

How can do I do such thing ?
Fabrice Silva

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Owndata flag

2011-12-15 Thread Robert Kern
On Thu, Dec 15, 2011 at 16:17, Fabrice Silva si...@lma.cnrs-mrs.fr wrote:
 How can one arbitrarily assumes that an ndarray owns its data ?

 More explicitly, I have some temporary home-made C structure that holds
 a pointer to an array. I prepare (using Cython) an numpy.ndarray using
 the PyArray_NewFromDescr function. I can delete my temporary C structure
 without freeing the memory holding array, but I wish the numpy.ndarray
 becomes the owner of the data.

 How can do I do such thing ?

You can't, really. numpy-owned arrays will be deallocated with numpy's
deallocator. This may not be the appropriate deallocator for memory
that your library allocated.

If at all possible, I recommend using numpy to create the ndarray and
pass that pointer to your library. Sometimes the library's API gets in
the way of this. Otherwise, copy the data.

Devs, looking into this, I noticed that we use PyDataMem_NEW() and
PyDataMem_FREE() (which is #defined to malloc() and free()) for
handling the data pointer. Why aren't we using the appropriate
PyMem_*() functions (or the PyArray_*() memory functions which default
to using the PyMem_*() implementations)? Using the PyMem_*() functions
lets the Python memory manager have an accurate idea how much memory
is being used, which can be important for the large amounts of memory
that numpy arrays can consume.

I assume this is intentional design. I just want to know the rationale
for it and would like it documented. I can certainly understand if it
causes bad interactions with the garbage collector, say (though hiding
information from the GC seems like a suboptimal approach).

Robert Kern

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless
enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as
though it had an underlying truth.
  -- Umberto Eco
NumPy-Discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Ann: OpenOpt and FuncDesigner 0.37

2011-12-15 Thread Dmitrey

Hi all,
I'm glad to inform you about new release 0.37 (2011-Dec-15) of our free

OpenOpt (numerical optimization):

IPOPT initialization time gap (time till first iteration) for
FuncDesigner models has been decreased
Some improvements and bugfixes for interalg, especially for search all
SNLE solutions mode (Systems of Non Linear Equations)
Eigenvalue problems (EIG) (in both OpenOpt and FuncDesigner)
Equality constraints for GLP (global) solver de
Some changes for goldenSection ftol stop criterion
GUI func manage - now button Enough works in Python3, but Run/Pause
not yet (probably something with threading and it will be fixed in Python

Major sparse Automatic differentiation improvements for badly-vectorized
or unvectorized problems with lots of constraints (except of box bounds);
some problems now work many times or orders faster (of course not faster
than vectorized problems with insufficient number of variable arrays). It
is recommended to retest your large-scale problems with useSparse =
'auto' | True| False

Two new methods for splines to check their quality: plot and residual
Solving ODE dy/dt = f(t) with specifiable accuracy by interalg
Speedup for solving 1-dimensional IP by  interalg

SpaceFuncs and DerApproximator:

Some code cleanup

You may trace OpenOpt development information in our recently created
entries in Twitter and Facebook, see http://openopt.org for details.

See also: FuturePlans, this release announcement in OpenOpt forum

Regards, D.

NumPy-Discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Owndata flag

2011-12-15 Thread Gregor Thalhammer

Am 15.12.2011 um 17:17 schrieb Fabrice Silva:

 How can one arbitrarily assumes that an ndarray owns its data ?
 More explicitly, I have some temporary home-made C structure that holds
 a pointer to an array. I prepare (using Cython) an numpy.ndarray using
 the PyArray_NewFromDescr function. I can delete my temporary C structure
 without freeing the memory holding array, but I wish the numpy.ndarray
 becomes the owner of the data. 
 How can do I do such thing ?

There is an excellent blog entry from Travis Oliphant, that describes how to 
create a ndarray from existing data without copy: 
The created array does not actually own the data, but its base attribute points 
to an object, which frees the memory if the numpy array gets deallocated. I 
guess this is the behavior you want to achieve. 
Here is a cython implementation (for a uint8 array)


see 'NumPy arrays with pre-allocated memory', http://blog.enthought.com/?p=62

import numpy as np
from numpy cimport import_array, ndarray, npy_intp, set_array_base, 
PyArray_SimpleNewFromData, NPY_DOUBLE, NPY_INT, NPY_UINT8 

cdef extern from stdlib.h:
   void* malloc(int size)
   void free(void *ptr)

cdef class MemoryReleaser:
   cdef void* memory

   def __cinit__(self):
   self.memory = NULL

   def __dealloc__(self):
   if self.memory:
   #release memory
   print memory released, hex(longself.memory)
cdef MemoryReleaser MemoryReleaserFactory(void* ptr):
   cdef MemoryReleaser mr = MemoryReleaser.__new__(MemoryReleaser)
   mr.memory = ptr
   return mr

cdef ndarray frompointer(void* ptr, int nbytes):
   #cdef int dims[1]
   #dims[0] = nbytes
   cdef npy_intp dims = npy_intpnbytes
   cdef ndarray arr = PyArray_SimpleNewFromData(1, dims, NPY_UINT8, ptr)
   #TODO: check for error
   set_array_base(arr, MemoryReleaserFactory(ptr))
   return arr
def test_new_array_from_pointer():
nbytes = 16
cdef void* mem = malloc(nbytes)
print memory allocated, hex(longmem)
return frompointer(mem, nbytes)

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