Central Park NYC
Saturday November 4, 2023
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Great Blue Heron, American Kestrel, Brown Creeper, Winter Wren, 
Pine Siskin Flock. For Indigo Bunting and Painted Bunting reports see end of 

Mallard - 18
Mourning Dove - 20-25
Herring Gull - 15-20 flyovers
Great Blue Heron - 1 Turtle Pond
Cooper's Hawk - 1 immature female Persimmon Slope
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 10-15
Downy Woodpecker - 1 male west side of the Point
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
American Kestrel - 2 Great Lawn
Blue Jay - 20-25
American Crow - 15-20
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 25-30
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 5-10
Cedar Waxwing - 18-20 in two flocks
Brown Creeper - 3
Carolina Wren - 3 (2 singing)
Winter Wren - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Gray Catbird - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Brown Thrasher - 3 or 4
Hermit Thrush - 20-25
American Robin - 50-60
Pine Siskin - flock of 25-30 Belvedere Castle
Dark-eyed Junco - 5-10
White-throated Sparrow - 200-300
Song Sparrow - 5 or 6
Swamp sparrow - 1 at the Oven
Eastern Towhee - 8-10
Red-winged Blackbird - 30-40
Common Grackle - 4 or 5
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Dennis Newsham reported an Indigo Bunting continuing at the Plant Nursery at 
the north end of Central Park.

A Painted Bunting was reported in Morningside Park on the Manhattan Bird Alert 
maintained by David Barrett @BirdCentralPark on twitter.com 

Deb Allen


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