I’m at Floyd Bennett and just had three swans flying over the aviation
sports complex.  I was only able to get them in my binoculars for a second
before I lost them behind the building, but the bills
Seemed dark and shaped more like a Trumpeter or Tundra than a Mute.  I ran
around the building but they had disappeared.  They might have landed near
the Gateway Marina.  (They also may well have been mute Swans seen poorly,
but this wasn’t my impression.

Zach S-W
Usually Albany.

On Sat, Nov 25, 2017 at 8:19 AM Corey Finger 10000birdsblog...@gmail.com
[ebirdsnyc] <ebirdsnyc-nore...@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> A bit west of where it had been seen recently. If you leave the APEC
> parking lot and walk east along Northern Blvd, over the bridge, and
> immediately turn onto the trail it was about 100 yards along, on the right,
> just after the steep, muddy hill.
> Good Birding,
> Corey Finger
> Sent from my iPhone
> __._,_.___
> ------------------------------
> Posted by: Corey Finger <10000birdsblog...@gmail.com>
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> __,_._,___
Zach Schwartz-Weinstein
203 500 7774


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