It was an interesting day at Jones Beach West End, to say the least. Among the 
birds seen were Ash-throated Flycatcher, Cave Swallow, Common Redpoll, Little 
Gull, the continuing Northern Shrike, and Lapland Longspur.

While driving out of the western exit from the West End 2 parking lot at about 
9:30, I found the Ash-throated Flycatcher at the edge of the median strip. 
After a few minutes, the bird flew into the interior of the median. At this 
point, I moved my car back to the lot and made some phone calls. The group that 
assembled to make the first effort at relocating the flycatcher was stunned 
when a Cave Swallow landed on the roadway a feet away. The swallow stayed for 
at least a couple of hours, periodically making flights and returning to the 
pavement. It provided us with anxiety for a while. I took it upon myself to 
babysit for it and guard it from traffic. Later on, it tended to land on grassy 
areas. Hopefully, it stayed out of harm's way later on. 

While searching for the flycatcher, Tom Burke followed a calling flyover and 
put a scope on it when it landed in a distant cottonwood - Common  Redpoll. He 
later relocated it on the ground. While observing that, several people were 
treated to a group of 3 flyby Cave Swallows (not including the first one). Tom 
and I later heard and observed a flyover Lapland Longspur. 

The Bonaparte's Gull flock now numbers in the hundreds. Many are visible, at 
various distances, from Short Beach. Some are coming close in by the boat 
basin. Seth Ausebel and Stella Miller were lucky enough to time it right to see 
an adult Little Gull (so a different bird than seen by Ken and Sue Feustel a 
few days ago).

By the way, the Ash-throated Flycatcher was not relocated -- I'd say kind of 
unusual for a species that's often cooperative. But it still could be in the 
area. Perhaps a warm spell -- could be a brief one tomorrow -- that brings out 
insects will bring it out.

Pictures of the flycatcher and swallow can be seen at 

Steve Walter
Bayside, NY


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