The first returning Short-billed Dowitchers, Pectoral Sandpiper (Cupsogue,
today), and both yellowlegs species have already shown up in Brooklyn and
Long Island in the last couple days. A cold front passing through Friday
could bring more migrants.

I encourage everyone interested in Jamaica Bay shorebirding to follow
Queens Bird Alert -- @BirdQueens on Twitter -- and contribute to it. Our
feed is always publicly viewable both from your device's Twitter app and on
the web:

Reports of rarities are welcome, but so are posts on whatever you are
observing (perhaps nothing, and if so, that's good to know), current
conditions, or advice -- anything you believe may be helpful to other
Jamaica Bay and Queens birders. Followed users can send such alerts by
tweeting with the hashtag #birdqu. My software will immediately relay your
alert to all @BirdQueens followers. (Want to be followed? Just tweet
@BirdQueens and ask.)

You can direct questions @BirdQueens or at anyone who posts without having
to issue an alert to all.

Twitter also makes it easy to share photos and videos directly from your
device -- no need to upload to a photo-sharing site. Viewers see your media
right away on the app, without having to click any links.

By enabling notifications on the Twitter app for @BirdQueens, you can have
your device notify you as soon as a new alert arrives.

By the way, @BirdQueens has also been covering this year's rare-tern
appearances both in Queens and on Long Island with many intra-day updates.
(Black, Royal, and some Roseate Terns today at Cupsogue.)

If you don't have a Twitter account, you can make one in under five minutes
and of course they are free. For details on setup and use, see my site:

I hope that being able to quickly share information through @BirdQueens and
be in touch with other Queens birders will make your birding more
productive and enjoyable.

David Barrett


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