The 67th Rockland County Christmas Bird Count was held Sunday, December 15.
Thirty-two field counters and eight feeder counters tallied 14,501
individuals representing 84 species (81 Count Day + 3 Count Week). The
number of species is about average for the post-1978 period (when count
areas were standardized), but slightly below average for the past 10 years.
The number of individuals counted is well below the median count for both
periods (post-1978 = 25,820; post-2003 = 20,367). Snowy and icy roads from
the previous day’s snow storm resulted in a delayed start time for most
count teams.


Weather: Temperatures ranged from 28 to 38 °F; peak wind gusts ranged from
10 mph in the morning to 22 mph in the afternoon. Approximately 4 to 6
inches of snow covered the ground and most ponds were 90-95% ice covered.
The Hudson River was nearly ice free.


Count Highlights:


Rockland 2013 CBC Rarities – Red-headed Woodpecker and American Pipit
appeared on three previous counts; Northern Pintail appeared on six previous
counts. In 2013 Black Vulture was once again reported. The species first
occurred on the 1995 count but was not seen consistently until 2005. The 53
individuals counted this year was typical of post 2005 counts The Common
Raven count of 12 was the second highest Rockland count since the species
first made its appearance in 1998. It has been seen every year since that


New Maximum – Canada Goose (4,398 vs 4,359 in 1998), Hooded Merganser (147
vs 130 in 2001).


Declines  (based on percentage decline from 1947-2012 median) -  American
Crow (95% decline), European Starling (72% decline), Canvasback (57%
decline), Common Grackle (55% decline), Mourning Dove (54% decline), and
Rock Pigeon 53% decline).


Misses (typically seen in about three out of four years) – American Kestrel
(rare in recent years), Purple Finch, Field Sparrow, and Fox Sparrow were
not reported. 


Alan Wells




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