Thursday, 1st of June, 2017 -
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City

Fresh migration overnight from Wed. into Thursday, & (not unusually) still a 
fair variety of migrants moving, as well as some breeders on territories.  

Among highlights from Thursday, SUMMER Tanager (adult male, in the north woods; 
also note there was a different SummerT. sighting in the Ramble on Tuesday, 
30th May), both Black-billed & Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Ruby-throated 
Hummingbird, 6 species of Flycatchers including Olive-sided, Yellow-bellied, 
Acadian, Great Crested, & Eastern Wood-Pewee as well as E. Kingbird (plus a 
singing Alder Flycatcher late Wed. at the Pool), 3 Vireo species: 
Yellow-throated, Warbling, Red-eyed; Red-breasted Nuthatch, 4 Thrush species 
(with a putative Bicknell’s, not singing but calling, and seen very well at the 
Loch; plus Gray-cheeked (singing), Wood & Swainson’s Thrushes, at least 12 
Warbler species, including a minimum of 4 singing male Mourning Warblers in 4 
locations, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, E. Towhee & 4 Sparrow spp. (Song, Swamp, 
Chipping, and White-throated), & Purple Finches (at least 2 in the n. woods, 
along with very modest no. of American Goldfinch on the move still), & many 
other more-common or resident / summer-visitor species.     Also, as recently 
as 2 days prior (30th May), at least 3 other warbler species were present in 
Central besides the dozen noted below (they were: [late] Yellow-rumped, 
Black-throated Green, and Wilson’s Warblers.

A full list, just modestly annotated -

Double-crested Cormorant (ongoing visitors & fly-overs)
Great Egret (ongoing visitors & fly-overs)
Snowy Egret (regular fly-overs seen from n. end of park)
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Canada Goose
Wood Duck (1, male)
Gadwall (several)
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Ring-billed Gull (few)
[American] Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
['feral'] Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo (north woods, also heard calling there)
Yellow-billed Cuckoo (north woods, seen well)
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird (prob. just a late migrant still)
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Yellow-shafted Flicker
Olive-sided Flycatcher (typical haunt in snag on Great Hill, early a.m.)
Eastern Wood-Pewee (multiple)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher (minimum of 2 seen & heard)
Acadian Flycatcher (Ramble & n. end, each heard as well as seen)
Alder Flycatcher (Wednesday, at sw corner of The Pool; singing, 6 p.m.)
Great Crested Flycatcher (multiple)
Eastern Kingbird (multiple)
Yellow-throated Vireo (area to be watched, location not disclosed)
Warbling Vireo (multiple)
Red-eyed Vireo (several south from reservoir, & more in north end)
Blue Jay
American Crow
Tree Swallow (few, fly-bys)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (few)
Barn Swallow (relatively few)
Black-capped Chickadee (2)
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch (1, female, n. end)
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher (location not disclosed)
Gray-cheeked Thrush (seen singing, Great Hill)
probable - Bicknell's Thrush (calling & seen well, 6 a.m., Loch area)
Swainson's Thrush (at least 2, in n. woods)
Wood Thrush (few)
American Robin
Gray Catbird (many)
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher (locations not disclosed)
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing (relatively few noticed)
Northern Parula (several, n. end & south)
Yellow Warbler (several)
Chestnut-sided Warbler (several)
Magnolia Warbler (at least several)
Blackburnian Warbler (1 male, n. woods)
Blackpoll Warbler (rather scant numbers)
Black-and-white Warbler (several)
American Redstart (multiple: 15+ park-wide)
Ovenbird (n. end)
Northern Waterthrush (Lake edge, w. side)
Mourning Warbler (minimum of 4 singing males, 3 of them glimpsed; 2 in north 
woods, seeming to be singing only pre-6 a.m.; another just w. of Conservatory 
Garden; also 1 near C.P. West & W. 94th St. - N.B., the chances are there were 
a few more in the park overall & the date is not unusual at all for more than 1 
or 2 of this species; females are likely about in this week, as well.)
Common Yellowthroat (still some, but hardly as many Thursday as were noted on 
Wed., when 20+ were spread all around the park, a majority noted then being 
singing males)
Canada Warbler (Loch & n. woods)
Summer Tanager (as noted above, an adult male, singing a bit, then seemed quiet 
for much of a.m., but calling occ., east of the Blockhouse area & also at times 
south of there)
Eastern Towhee (all locations not disclosed)
Chipping Sparrow (all locations not disclosed)
Song Sparrow (several)
Swamp Sparrow (one, Loch)
White-throated Sparrow (a few continue, and the species has summered in Central 
in many years)
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak (female type, n. woods)
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird (2 males seen)
Orchard Oriole (location not disclosed)
Baltimore Oriole (common / breeders)
Purple Finch (2 in north end, loosely associating or at least near a small 
flock of Am. Goldfinches)
House Finch
American Goldfinch (flock of about ten, poss. more in adjacent trees, e. edge 
of north woods)
House Sparrow 

-  -  -  -  -
Watching migrant birds for most of the month of May from more than a dozen 
provinces in eastern China (People’s Republic of) was interesting; China has a 
vast number of resident & breeding species, and is on one of the busiest 
“flyways” in the world for migrants, many of them headed to Siberia & the 
arctic through the spring. Some of the migrants & more than a mere few of the 
resident or breeding-resident species are threatened or even endangered, some 
very endangered, even if some steps have been taken to try and help these 
species, and habitat in general, to alleviate pressures - a small number of the 
species seen on this trip have known populations of fewer than 500 individuals, 
and one or two have surveyed populations in the several dozens at this time 
(Chinese Crested Tern, Kozlowski’s Bunting, amongst the most at-risk).  However 
there are also a lot of areasound in China, mostly farther from the densest 
population centers, where there is a lot of good habitat, and where some 
species may be found in abundance.  And giving great hopes for the future of 
birds, and habitat for wildlife in general, is that many, many people living in 
China are now very interested and involved in observing & studying birds. In 
some ways, this is the start of a potentially bigger environmental movement, 
just as has happened in other places in the world; there are now real “birders” 
spread around China, and while they may be of all ages, a great many are young. 
It is also notable that a good many are also women, & that women have filled 
roles in leading some of the clubs, organizations, and promotion of 
conservation in the People’s Republic.  On this trip, about 25% of the roughly 
1,400 species in China’s bird checklist were observed.  The areas covered were 
from near the island of Taiwan (on the mainland) to within the latitude & 
fairly near to Vladivostok, Russian Siberia (but still in China) - a vast 
distance.  Transport was mainly in small motor coach, but also by super-fast 
“bullet” train, which outshone any rail transit known in the United States, by 
far. And yes, the food was much better, everywhere, than is found in almost any 
American Chinese restaurant. This was especially so when the food was 
home-cooking. A surprise to this relative China-novice was how common it was to 
find ice cream treats, which were varied, but included both Asian ingredients, 
& what we think of as traditional flavors here, such as chocolate & vanilla. 
Prices for those varied from (equal to) 15 cents, up to $1.50 in some shops, 
for the fancier treats. These were incidentally seen in many areas where few or 
almost no western visitors are going.  And maybe my greatest foodie surprise 
was the Bunuelos that were served up fresh-fried & hot, in an early a.m. stop 
in the far north of China; yes, that too seems to have origins in China (even 
if Japan made some of that into an art-form, as tempura…) More important, at 
the bunuelo stand, were the Daurian Starlings that were on wires & in trees 
nearby.  For those who can make it there, I recommend China - as many as 4 or 
more visits are likely needed, if one wanted to sample a larger swath of the 
diversity of culture & more of the very diverse avifauna. And there is the 
island of Taiwan, which has a good many unique species & still a good bit of 
original habitat in its high mountains.

-  -  -  -  -  -
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty 
of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise." - Aldo Leopold  
(1887–1948), U.S. wildlife biologist, conservationist, professor, author, best 
known for his book "A Sand County Almanac” (1949), which has sold more than two 
million copies.

Good -and ethical- birding,

Tom Fiore


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