> What kind of tours can families attend on the OBC?

I'll leave it to the elected types to give you an official answer, but Carol
and I and one or both of our two kids (current ages 5 and 9) have over the
last eight years been to the Vermont weekend (tandem and one year old in the
trailer), the North Carolina trip (tandem and three year old in the
trailer), Virginia week (tandem with five year old stoker), North Carolina
again (tandem with seven year old stoker), and Virginia again (tandem with
eight year old stoker and four year old on trail-a-bike, with Carol on
single). And this year we'll show up at the Kingston Rambler (tandem,
trail-a-bike and single again). We've always been made to feel very welcome,
and the kids have always had a great time. They know that this is what we
do. And we don't push the limit.

Don Friedlander

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