We used to put kids races on at the Gt Canadian Rally - they were certainly
great entertainment - for the 5-6yr olds, the biggest problem was
navigation, while in the backwards race, it was the crashes. The mustang
race for the 14 year olds was definitely the most competitive, and the
gravel running track ideal for that competition. The wheelie competition was
the most difficault to judge and the slow bicycling race was a breeze for
those who could hold an indefinite balance. 

All in all it certainly went down well on a one time basis, but if it became
a competitive activity its own right, people would start taking it too
seriously and a lot of the fun aspect would be lost.

-----Original Message-----
From: Simpson, Bob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 10:51 AM
To: 'OBC Mailing List' (E-mail)
Subject: [obc] FW: Youth bike racing

Lynda Kadey-Smith brought this website to my attention, aimed at encouraging
youth bike racing.  I was wondering if there is much interest in this kind
of thing?  Events could include time trials, obstacle races, "slow" races,
coasting contests, etc.

I know that we've had some kids as young as 12 years old attend the Learn to
Race clinics and it could be a lot of fun.  This is the kind of thing that a
local track would be perfect for.

Bob Simpson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Kadey-Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 2002,July,08,Monday 9:16 AM
To: Simpson, Bob
Subject: Youth bike racing

I came upon a website that encourages youth to get involved with bike
racing. I think I remember reading something about encouraging youth
in cycling somewhere in the Spokesperson as part of OBC's mandate. I
thought this might be of interest.

They seem quite successful. If you are interested or know someone who
is this is the website: http://www.mcf.net/ycl/


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