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From: Art&Education <edu-n...@mailer.e-flux.com>
Date: Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:13 PM
Subject: Museum of Arts and Design, NYC presents Master Class with Alejandro
To: suheba...@gmail.com

   September 8, 2010  [image: Art and Education]<http://artandeducation.net/>
Still from “The Holy Mountain”
Courtesy of ABKCO Films    Museum of Arts and Design, NYC Museum of Arts and
Design, NYC presents Master Class with Alejandro Jodorowsky *Art as a Way of
September 23rd – Oct 8th

As part of the first American Retrospective of Alejandro Jodorowsky

*Museum of Arts and Design*
2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY

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 With his infamous cult films Holy Mountain, El Topo and Fando y Lis
caused a riot upon its premier) Chilean-born Alejandro Jodorowsky altered
the visual language and philosophy of cinema. Breaking from conventional
approaches to filmmaking, Jodorowsky worked with hermetic alchemy, symbolism
and complex rituals to create a profound and transformative experience
designed to heal one's psychic wounds.

Beginning on the autumn equinox, September 23, the Museum of Arts and Design
is proud to present *Blood into Gold: The Cinematic Alchemy of Alejandro
Jodorowsky*, showcasing the complete body of film work as a core component
to a series exploring the broad influence of this groundbreaking auteur.

As part of this retrospective, Alejandro Jodorowsky will be present for two
post- screening discussions, and he will hold a Saturday afternoon master
class called "Art as a Way of Transformation." This seminar-style program
will provide insight into Jodorowsky’s thinking on the power of film and
art, with attention given to
art-making as a means for enlightenment.

*September 23rd, 7:00pm:
Screening of El Topo with Alejandro Jodorowsky in post-screening

September 24th, 7:00pm:
Screening of The Holy Mountain with introduction by Debbie Harry and post-
screening conversation with Alejandro Jodorowsky

September 25th, 3:00pm:
"Art as a Way of Transformation," a Master Class with Alejandro Jodorowsky*

All events will be held at:
Museum of Arts and Design
2 Columbus Circle
New York, NY

To purchase tickets or for additional information visit:
[image: Art and Education] <http://artandeducation.net/>
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