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From: Art&Education <edu-n...@mailer.e-flux.com>
Date: Wed, Feb 3, 2010 at 2:53 AM
Subject: The Core Program: Artist and Critical Studies Residencies
To: suheba...@gmail.com

   February 2, 2010  [image: Art and Education]<http://artandeducation.net/>
  <http://www.core.mfah.org>   Museum of Fine Arts, Houston The Core
Program: Artist and Critical Studies Residencies Call for Applications

*Deadline:* April 1, 2010

http://www.core.mfah.org   Share this announcement on:
*The Core Program awards artist and critical studies residencies to highly
motivated, emerging visual artists and critical writers who have completed
their academic training but have not yet fully developed a professional

*About the program*
Established in 1982 within the Glassell School of Art of the Museum of Fine
Arts, Houston, the Core artist residencies encourage intensive and
innovative studio practice as well as the elaboration of an intellectual
framework to understand that practice. In 1998, the Core critical studies
residencies were established to provide an opportunity for writers to pursue
independent curatorial and writing projects and to promote the discourse
necessary for both artists and critics to sustain their practices.
Throughout the year, residents engage in ongoing dialogue with each other
and meet with pre-eminent artists, critics, curators, and art historians.

*Program specifics*
Each resident receives a stipend, health insurance, and private
studio/office space. The residency term is nine months, from September to
May, and is renewable for a second term.

*How to apply*
For application instructions, please visit http://www.core.mfah.org.
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Rusu Stefan - artist/freelance curator

Centre International des Récollets
1560/154, rue du Fbg Saint-Martin,
75010 Paris

phone:   +33 153 26 21 83
mob:      +33 618 86 58 40
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