[Oberlist] PT* egistration and abstracts for the the 10th International Biennial of the Centre for Intercultural Music Arts

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The Centre for Intercultural Music Arts (CIMA) has opened the registration
period and published a call for abstracts for its 10th International
Biennial, Symposium and Festival which will be held on 8-11 April 2008 in
Coimbra , Portugal , alongside the 3rd Spring Meeting organised by the
College of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra. The event
aims to promote mutual knowledge and intercultural exchanges, present
music projects in this field, foster cooperation between CIMA and other
organisations and promote intercultural studies in the field of music. The
deadline for both registration and the submission of abstracts is 30
September. For further information, contact Fernando Sadio at

Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht
skype: us.vladimir
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portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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[Oberlist] DE* Call for submissions: International Conference on the Arts in Society

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The International Conference on the Arts in Society is pleased to announce
its 2nd annual Arts Conference, to be held at the University of Kassel,
Germany, August 22-24, 2007.

To be held in conjunction with the Documenta 12, this year’s Arts
Conference will feature arts educators, artists, arts practitioners and
theorists in all forms of disciplinary practice through paper
presentations, workshops and colloquia. The conference venue, the
University of Kassel, is located in the heart of Kassel in close proximity
to Documenta venues and activities.

Submissions are invited for papers, workshops and alternative presentation
formats for consideration in the 2007 conference program. If you are
unable to attend the Arts Conference in person, online virtual
registrations are available, and provide electronic access to the
conference proceedings. Written submissions will also be considered for
publication in the refereed conference journal, The International Journal
of the Arts in Society.

Full details of the conference can be found at the conference website.
While submissions in all areas of the arts will be considered, we
especially welcome presentations in keeping with this year’s conference
theme: Art and Education. A Pre-Conference day of programs and exhibition
tours of Documenta will be offered on August 21st. The next deadline for
proposal abstracts is June 30, 2007.

For further information, Please contact Ms. Marianne Wagner-Simon at
Marianne[at]commongroundconferences.com or visit the conference website.


Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

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[Oberlist] WEB# Call for curatorial proposals

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Deadline July 1, 2007
LabforCulture.org is the essential online tool for everyone involved in
arts and culture who creates, collaborates, shares and produces across
borders in Europe. This interactive web platform was launched in 2006 to
encourage dialogue, networking and collaboration across physical, cultural
and imaginative borders across 48 countries in the broader Europe.
Initiated by the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and jointly developed
and supported by many of Europe’s leading cultural organisations,
LabforCulture offers a wealth of essential information, debate and
research – including all the latest news, vital funding tips, blogs and a
vast searchable database of cultural organisations operating from Rome to

LabforCulture.org will celebrate its first anniversary in the summer of
2007 and in this context we are pleased to announce a call for an
experienced media art curator or curatorial collaboration to conceptualise
and manage an online presentation of specially commissioned artworks, for
presentation in early 2008.

Call for proposals
This is an open call to Europe-based curators to propose a creative
concept for the LabforCulture anniversary project, be responsible for the
ultimate selection of artworks and critically reflect on the project
throughout its duration and after its end. The concept and commissioned
artworks should address, challenge and rethink issues such as cross border
dialogue, cultural intersections, crossings or networks, in the context of
LabforCulture and cultural cooperation in the broader Europe. The
curatorial proposal will contextualise and document the work in relation
to the scope, content and technological framework of LabforCulture.org.

Curatorial profile
The selected curator/s should:

have demonstrated experience in either curating Net Art and/or artists who
use the internet as integral to their practice.
have a curatorial track record in the field of media art
have demonstrated cultural project management experience
demonstrate their ability to write about and critically evaluate the
presented works
The curator/s will be contracted by the European Cultural Foundation on a
freelance basis for the period of August 1, 2007 to May 15, 2008, and will
receive a fee of 7000 Euro (excluding 2 required trips to Amsterdam for
work with the LabforCulture team, but including any additional travel
required to deliver the proposed project, to be discussed with the
LabforCulture Director). In addition to the fee, a fixed commissions and
documentation budget will be provided.


design a concept and thematic framework for the project
make the final selection of artists
maintain an appropriate timeline for agreed outputs
be the main contact person for the commissioned artists (LabforCulture
will be responsible for the administration of the project in terms of
contracts, payments and overall coordination of the project)
manage the agreed commissions and documentation budget, which will be
overseen and administrated by LabforCulture
write an engaging curatorial statement to be published on LabforCulture in
November 2007 and a subsequent series of texts to accompany the
presentations in 2008, introducing and reflecting on the selected
be available to travel to Amsterdam as required, to meet with
LabforCulture staff over the course of the project
work in close collaboration with the LabforCulture team in relation to the
technical framework and requirements of the commissioned artworks
work with the LabforCulture team to agree and implement an appropriate
page/section for the project that integrates with the current website
design and branding
work with the LabforCulture Communications team to promote the project and
be available for press interviews
gather and prepare documentation about the commissioned artists and
artworks for presentation on LabforCulture.org
ensure appropriate documentation of the project is undertaken and after
its end, reflect on the process, challenges and experience of the project
in a final text/public discussion forum.
Selection panel
Annet Dekker (Head of Exhibitions and Artlab, Netherlands Media Art
Institute, Amsterdam, NL) and Kelli Dipple (Webcasting Curator, Tate,
London, UK) will join the LabforCulture content development team to select
the curatorial proposal.

Interested curators are asked to submit the following material BY EMAIL
ONLY no later than July 1, 2007:

1. Cover letter
2. Curator's CV
3. Proposed title for the project
4. Curatorial concept
5. Examples of artists and/or artworks that demonstrate the curatorial
6. A proposed timeline for associated landmarks and outputs
7. An estimated budget with preliminary allocations for commissioned work,
associated travel and documentation activities (broad areas of expenditure

Proposals should be sent to the attention of:

Angela Plohman
Content Development

[Oberlist] MD* AMTAP anunta admiterea la urmatoarele specialitati in 2007/2008

2007-06-01 Thread oberlist mailing list
In anul de studii 2007/2008
anunta admiterea la urmatoarele specialitati:

Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte Plastice din Republica Moldova

Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte Plastice din Republica Moldova este
succesoarea Conservatorului de Stat din Chisinau fondat in anul 1940 si a
institutiilor de invatamant muzical care si-au desfasurat activitatea la
Chisinau incepand cu anul 1919, cand la initiativa lui G.Enescu a fost
infiintat conservatorul Unirea. Pe parcursul istoriei sale institutia
si-a schimbat de mai multe ori denumirea si structura. Initial la
Conservator se faceau studii doar in domeniul muzicii. La sfarsitul anilor
50 se infiinteaza primele grupe de studenti la specialitatea Actorie,
iar in anul 1965 deja in cadrul Institutului de Stat al Artelor (format in
baza Conservatorului in 1964) se creeaza catedra Regie si arta
actorului, iar in anul 1988 - facultatea Arta Teatrala (in prezent Arte
Dramatice si Management Artistic). Facultatea Arte Plastice este fondata
in anul 1984. In forma ei actuala Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte
Plastice a fost instituita in baza reorganizarii Universitatii de Stat a
Artelor (infiintat prin comasarea Academiei de Muzica G.Musicescu si a
Institutului de Stat al Artelor in 1999) la 1 septembrie 2002. In prezent
Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte Plastice acopera toate domeniile de
invatamant artistic universitar si postuniversitar. AMTAP a fost
acreditata in iulie 2006. Sistemul educational din cadrul Conservatorului
– AMTAP ne-a permis sa educam mai multi laureati ai concursurilor
internationale, artisti ai poporului, personalitati notorii ale artei si
culturii nationale precum, de exemplu, Tamara Ceban, Serghei Lunchevici,
Vasile Zagorschi, Maria Biesu, Eugen Doga, Veronica Garstea, Sofia Rotaru,
Veniamin Apostol, Paulina Zavtoni, Victor Ciutac, Vitalie Rusu, Ion Josan,
Mihai Munteanu, Anastasia Lazariuc, Ion Aldea-Teodorovici, Lidia Panfil,
Iurie Matei, Ilian Garnet si multi altii de care ne mandrim, care au
contribuit si contribuie in continuare la faurirea imaginii pozitive a
Republicii Moldova in lume.

Academia de Muzica, Teatru si Arte Plastice din Republica Moldova
pregateste specialisti in urmatoarele domenii:

Arte Plastice
Adresa postala: Chisinau, str. Mateevici, 111, MD2014,
tel.238701, 221949, fax.221949, 238214

In anul de studii 2007/2008
anunta admiterea la urmatoarele specialitati:

Interpretare instrumentala: pian, instrumente cu coarde, instrumente
aerofone, instrumente de percutie, instrumente de estrada, instrumente

Canto: academic, popular, de estrada
Dirijat: coral, simfonic
Pedagogie muzicala

La toate specialitatile muzicale admiterea se face in baza studiilor medii
de profil (bac, colegiu).


Multimedia, sunet, montaj

Admiterea se face in baza studiilor medii generale si/sau speciale (scoala
medie, bac, colegiu). In perioada depunerii actelor facultatea organizeaza
consultatii pentru toti candidatii la admitere.+


Pictura bisericeasca
Design: designul interiorului, designul vestimentatiei
Arta Decorativa Aplicata: tapiserie, ceramica

Admiterea se face in baza studiilor medii generale si/sau speciale (bac,
Durata studiilor – 4 ani, la specialitatile Muzicologie, Pedagogie
muzicala si Culturologie – 3 ani.

Inmatricularea se face pe baza probelor de admitere la disciplinele de

La Academie functioneaza cursuri preuniversitare cu plata pentru
specialitatile muzicale. Admiterea la cursuri se face pe baza
certificatului de absolvire a scolii muzicale, sau a certificatului de
studii medii muzicale incomplete.

Adresa: Chisinau, str.Mateevici, 111
Tel. pentru informatii:

Muzica – 243745, 245334; Teatru – 238210, 238774; Arte plastice - 234223

Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

oberlist mailing list


2007-06-01 Thread oberlist mailing list

Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

 Original Message 
Subject: Artinfo Digest, Vol 51, Issue 22
Date:Wed, May 23, 2007 13:16

Message: 3
Date: Tue, 22 May 2007 12:51:31 +0200
From: tijana stepanovic [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Nightcomers applications continue.

Nightcomers is one of the night programme projects of the 10th International
Istanbul Biennial, perhaps the most somnambulist. The conceptual structure
of the project was based on the concept of dazibao used by Hou Hanru in
reference to wall-mounted posters produced by the public during the Chinese

The nightcomers project aims to build a strong communication and
relationship with its viewer and invites everyone taking part in the project
as producer-viewer to share its name. To go out at night, to share the
street and to hear one's own voice en masse...

*Nightcomers hang out on street corners. They seek their own justice. You
feel their breath on your neck. Sleepless � a gang of ghosts. *

Submission deadline is June 15 2007 Friday.

More: http://www.iksv.org/bienal/english/index.asp

End of Artinfo Digest, Vol 51, Issue 22

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[Oberlist] SCG* Education, Art and Media in the European Integration Process

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Education, Art and Media in the European Integration Process

Belgrade, Serbia, 11-14 October 2007

Education, Art and Media in the European Integration Process, an
interdisciplinary conference organized by the University of Arts in
Belgrade, ADAM Tempus project and supported by the Serbian Ministries,
Secretariat of Culture of the City of Belgrade as well as by a number of
international organizations, will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, from 11
– 14 October 2007.

The aim of the conference is to present the developments and the results
achieved in the process of European integrations in the field of
education, art and media, i.e. culture in its widest definition. As an
opportunity for exchange of experiences, critical analysis and evaluation,
the conference will articulate topics which are by definition curtained by
politics, legislation etc. and emphasize the important role they play in
the European integration process. The conference will also demonstrate the
conceptualization of European and Serbian identity in art and media texts,
where the made progress even precedes political realization of the

The conference is structured through:

panels providing surveys of the development and results exploring
individual cases, projects as well as general principles from the
perspectives of both EU and non EU countries;
panel case studies /exhibitions of identity representation;
interactive workshops organized through TEMPUS provided LDL system.
The particular topics to be addressed are:

European integration processes within education, media and cultural policies;
Transformations of (infra)structure of arts, media, education in
accordance to European standards;
Art and media education and Bologna standards;
Europeanization of the structure and activities of cinematography,
television, theatre, performing and visual arts;
European identity of Serbia in art and media texts;
Informal forms of cooperation with the EU; and
Case studies: film coproductions reflecting on Europe and the Balkans;
digital identity/digital performance; Imagining Europe/Imagining Serbia –
exhibition of works.
Further information is available at

Moldova Young Artists Association Oberliht
skype: us.vladimir
.   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .
portal informational pentru arta si cultura din Moldova
information gateway for arts and culture from Moldova

oberlist mailing list