[OLPC.ch] Hi...

2009-06-05 Diskussionsfäden Christoph Ramseyer
...new to the list... Short presentation: - male, 35, married to Nadia, 1 kid girl Ayla 2y5m, Dipl.El.-Ing.ETH, currently HouseHusband, more ? : Mein facebook Profil: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/profile.php?id=681408353 Alternativ: Nowhere Profil (veraltet aber keine facebook

[OLPC.ch] olpc-ch list posting policy change, and membership stat

2009-06-05 Diskussionsfäden Michael Vorburger
Hello / hoi zämä / ciao, This is a technical announcement to inform you that the olpc-ch list posting policy has changed: Emails to olpc-ch@lists.laptop.org from non-members of the mailing list are now automatically bounced with an appropriate message (see example below). I'm using this