On Sat, Nov 2, 2013 at 8:49 PM, Alain O'Dea <alain.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's my hypothesis: The OmniOS EC2 AMI brings up the SSH server
> before provisioning SSH public keys.
> Is there a good workaround for this or should I bring up the machine
> with the EC2 API directly and use knife bootstrap after?

Your hypothesis is accurate.  There is a transient SMF service called
ec2-credential that fetches the pubkey during startup.  That service
is not dependent on the ssh service though-- SMF starts independent
services in parallel, so this is likely a race.  It would probably be
best to use the EC2 API directly for now, and bootstrap after the
instance comes up.

The ec2-credential method script is here:

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