Hi Job!

2009/2/12 Job D R Borges <j...@nupelia.uem.br>:
> Hello
> Translation for Brazilian Portuguese are finish.
> the compressed directory (pt-BR) with all po files are attached with this
> email.

Fabulous! Your translation appears to be almost perfectly clean, at
least from a build perspective. There are just a few things to clean
up in lang.dtd.po; I have attached my build log file for your

If you want to set up your own i18n build environment to test out your
work in the future (at least this far), the required packages for
Debian or Ubuntu are listed at the top of

Here's what I did, starting with a fresh checkout of the Evergreen
rel_1_4_0 branch:

1. Extracted the files to the Evergreen build/i18n/po/ directory to
create a new build/i18n/po/pt-BR directory filled with your .po files.

2. Ran "make newpot" to ensure that the English version of all of the
files was up to date.

3. Ran "make LOCALE=pt-BR install" to generate the required output
files. I also captured the output of this command to check for errors,
and found that there were a handful of strings in lang.dtd.po that
contain ampersand characters (&). Ampersands have a special meaning in
the generated DTD file - they define entities - so you need to replace
them with &amp; instead to mean a literal ampersand.

Before I add your translation to the repository, could you please send
us a "Developer's Certificate of Origin" (DCO 1.1) as linked to and
described at 
? I would like to follow our regular process for code contributions
for translations as well.

Thanks so much for this, Job - it looks great, and I'm looking forward
to having pt-BR as part of Evergreen!

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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