
Two things on my mind today, not fully-formed but in progress...

1. There's a list of proposed hackfest projects / time slots /
   interested people on the wiki at
   http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:hackfest:eg2012 - feel
   free to add other ideas to the table, or update existing rows to link
   to related bugs or wiki pages describing the idea / goals / work that has
   already taken place (for example, Jeff... I think you had a branch at
   one time for the "use bib ID instead of ISBN for added content" idea
   that might enable us to fast-forward on to other projects?)

2. Given that there are a number of developers, including Google Summer
   of Code students, who will be unable to attend this year's conference,
   I'm thinking that maybe we could host a Google Hangout per project to
   enable remote attendees to participate. I've poked around looking for
   a good open source alternative to Google Hangouts but nothing seems
   to fit the bill. This would depend on bandwidth, naturally, and might
   end up being utterly unworkable, but at least for the projects that
   I end up working on I hope to give it a shot.

   The best that I can come up with for connecting remote people to
   projects is to ask the person who wants to be the primary contact
   for a given Hackfest project to link to their Google+ profile (in
   your Google+ page, click "Profile" and copy the link, then run it
   through a link shortener like goo.gl - a la http://goo.gl/g5jSV


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