2009/3/23 Duimovich, George <george.duimov...@nrcan-rncan.gc.ca>:
> Regarding Staff client label string entity customizations.
> 1. There are a couple of untranslated strings in the fr-CA version of the
> staff client and we will be working towards updating these in the PO files.
> In the interim, may we proceed with local XUL edits in a manner similar to
> web OPAC DTD custom changes?  For example, we can identify one of the
> untranslated strings in this file:
>  /web/xul/current/server/locale/fr-CA/lang.dtd
> <!ENTITY staff.main.menu.file.label "File">
> Should we proceed with creation of lang_local.dtd in for use in a manner
> similar to customized files created for OPAC entities (e.g. opac_local.dtd)
> or should we just update the lang.dtd directly for a temporary fix?

Advantage of using lang_local.dtd - it will survive upgrades.
Disadvantage of using lang_local.dtd - there are umpteen files that
you have to add it.

I think your best bet would be to modify lang.dtd locally and ensure
that the translations make their way into 1.4.0.x (hopefully the
Pootle web app will help with that) so that at the next upgrade you'll
get the additional translations.

> Also, where can one set / change the default OPAC search to use for the F4
> ("search the catalogue") link for /each/ specific locale we want to use?

I've committed a patch for this in trunk, rel_1_4, and rel_1_4_0;
thanks to Jason for the assist.

It will, unfortunately, require the install of a new staff client.

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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