2009/2/13 Mike Rylander <mrylan...@gmail.com>:
> On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:38 PM, Raymond Norton <ad...@lctn.org> wrote:
>> I gave up on Intrepid, and  am installing on Hardy now, hoping to get my
>> first Evergreen install to work.
>> I followed the instructions from the "cheat sheet" link on installing 8.2
>> from source.
>> That all went fine, and postgresql is started. I have come to the following
>> section in the instructions "Issue the following commands on your PostgreSQL
>> server:"
>> I do have /usr/share/postgresql/8.2, but all that resides in there is "man".
>> I searched for the contrib folder, but am not finding it.
>> I ran make clean, and started over, but still do not have a contrib folder.
> In the source directory where you built Postgres there will be a
> contrib directory.  cd into that and issue `make all install` to
> install the contrib modules.  You should be set after that.

Right, and if you followed the cheat sheet instructions then you will
already have done this and the contrib modules will be in
/usr/local/share/contrib instead of /usr/share/postgresql/8.2/contrib
- which conflicts with the instructions as they currently stand
because they were written for a packaged version of PostgreSQL. So,
adjust accordingly - when I get a chance, I'll add a qualifier to that
step that says "if you followed the PostgreSQL install cheat sheet..."

Dan Scott
Laurentian University

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