Eric: Wow! The graphics for the freeCard site look

Alain: Thank you, Eric. 

Alain: The whole web-site acts like a set of HyperCard
stacks. The upper-frame is akin to the 'menubar'
(navigation toolbar). The middle-frame (card) contains
the contents of the cards. The bottom-frame is akin to
the messageBox, but our messageBox is multimedia, eh!

Alain: Each page contains the necessary information
and handlers to dynamically adjust the appearance and
function of each button in the menubar-frame. Pages
are generated and personalized, in real-time,
according to a user-model of each user. All
form-elements of any page are automatically and
transparently recorded and revived. This latter
functionality will allow us to vote on each
card/page/concept, our specific votes revived,
side-by-side with a representation of the group's
voting on the matter.

Eric: Oh, whet is the correct spelling (i think

Alain: Incorrect, Eric. Wet is the correct term. It
can used as a verb, as well as an adjective.
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