Good evening fellow freecarders.

We recently had a problem with a virus that called
itself the 'merryxmas inoculation' virus, or something
like that.

I have scanned the entire disk, including the
archives, for any trace of viruses. I am happy to
report that none were detected by the latest version
of Norton Anti-Virus software.

So feel free to download what you wish from the
FreeCard download space, with the peace of mind that
this is probably relatively safe to do ... for now. I
will endeavour to maintain our virus-free status but
one can never be 100% sure about this. So it goes
without saying that if you partake in the activity of
downloading, that you do so at your own risk. And we
vigorously encourage those that contribute to FreeCard
to be vigilant about these security matters, too.

Alain Farmer
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