> matteob:... i know this is a stupid question, 
> but...what is a rolodex?  8-)

Alain: A rolodex is an office-supply item. More often
than not, a rectangular container that holds
individual cards, with or without binders ... You
know, like those cute metaphoric backgrounds that came
with HyperCard. You have tabs sticking out at relevant
sections of the rolodex, each tab a little bit more to
the right of the previous one, so that you glance at
all of the tabs at once, for a bird's-eye-view of all
of the stack's cards. Collections of recipes often
come in this format, too.

Alain: matteob, I have a few free-like days, starting
today. Thus, I have time to assist you with your
HC-based CGI scripting, if you still wish to do so.
Among other things, I have recently scripted a tool
that exports everything a stack contains -- including
scripts, content and properties -- as an HFS of
folders and files that 'mirrors' your stack. The idea
being that a CGI program can then use these files in
order to generate the corresponding set of web-pages
(stack/bkgnds/cards). Each page is composed of layers,
one for each HC part. These parts (buttons and fields)
can be sized, resized, placed, selected, shown, hidden
... just like the Real Thing. My working hypothesis is
that HC userLevels 1, 2, 4 and even 5 are possible on
the Web. UserLevel 4 will be the hardest. UserLevel 3
is out of the question for now, but in defense of
HTML/CSS/JS, it should be noted that the latter has
color, images, QT, and so on that make these
interfaces pretty. Do the graphics-editing in another
more specialized program, eh!

Alain: If anyone else cares to join in, then don't
hesitate to write me. 

Alain Farmer
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