Julian Blackhirst : A while back i critisised MetaCard
for talking about their product on the HC mailing list
and said it was just like advertising. I dont want to
become a hypercrit and do that on this list.

Alain: This SPAM issue surfaces regularly in many
lists. It is legitimately a sensitive issue. We are
constantly spammed just about everywhere else we go in
our daily lives. 

Julian Blackhirst : As long as its OpenKard related as
well i guess its ok.

Alain: It is OpenKard-related and it is OK.

Julian Blackhirst : I have a mailing list for XCML so
if anyone is interested then join that rather than
taking up OpenKard list space i guess.

Alain: This is not SPAM, Julian. You are merely
inviting some listers to join you in a discussion on a
related topic. SPAM is promoting your wares on the
list with the intention of increasing your sales.
There is sometimes a fine-line between informing and
spamming that is tolerated by the group. Informing
listers that you have marketable skills is an example
of this grey area. If you do cross the line, you will
undoubtedly know it because of the mail flare-up that
it will cause. In such a case, you apologize, you
learn, and we all move on as if nothing happened. We
haven't had a repeated-offender problem yet, but I
suppose the person would be shown the door.


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