Ooh, this is the problem with using the general importer. It creates a separate field for each of the variables. If it constructed a separate component for each that would make this problem easier to solve--but I digress.

You want to

a = Select(0)
b = Select(1)

c = Rename(a, "data", "radius")
d = Replace(b, c)

e = AutoColor(d)
f = Mark(e, "radius")
g = AutoGlyph(f)

Sorry if this is too scripty, but it's easier than trying to draw all those lines.



I have a data set described by a general header file that
is included below. The data are a bunch of unstructured 3-d points
and all I want to do is create glyphs with the size set by
the 'radius' component and color by the 'species' component.
I can size and color by one component but I can't do the
combination. I thought I saw this before on the list but
of course I can't find it now. I thought I was getting the
hang of DX but apparently ... any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,

*** Header file ***

file = S:/Projects/Viz/CyberCell/Data-09_2004-09-07/data_101.dat
points = 14423
format = ascii
interleaving = field
field = locations, radius, species
structure = 3-vector, scalar, scalar
type = float, int, int


*** Data file ***

1.327666e+02 2.445515e+02 2.533560e+02 2 2
1.337666e+02 2.449611e+02 2.580994e+02 2 2
1.287666e+02 2.632022e+02 2.369761e+02 2 2
1.327666e+02 2.654938e+02 2.563728e+02 2 2
1.325667e+02 2.604992e+02 2.589639e+02 2 2

Jon I Johansson             *  Research Computing Support
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   *  Computing and Network Services
Tel.: (780) 492-9304        *  University of Alberta
Fax.: (780) 492-1729        *  Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA

David L. Thompson                   Visualization and Imagery Solutions, Inc.
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]    5515 Skyway Drive, Missoula, MT 59804
                                    Phone : (406)756-7472

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