Hello openfontlibrary,


W3C is collecting ideas for work related to downloadable fonts on the Web. This 
email summarizes the current situation, and asks for feedback on a draft 
charter [0] for a future W3C Font working group or interest group. Please send 
feedback on the charter to the publicly archived mailing list www-st...@w3.org.


The method of linking to fonts from CSS stylesheets or from SVG content - 
WebFonts - is already standardized in CSS2 [1] and SVG 1.1 [2]. That work is 
being refined in the CSS3 Fonts module [3], for the CSS serialization. SVG 1.1 
allows both CSS and XML serialisations of WebFonts. SVG Tiny 1.2 uses the XML 
serialisation. XSL may use the WebFont mechanism in future, in the XL 

CSS2 WebFonts allows for font matching, font synthesis, and font download. of 
those, only font download has been implemented in multiple user agents.

What has hindered deployment, however, has been the choice of what font format 
to download. 

CSS2 suggests several formats, none of them being required for compliance. 
Microsoft implemented WebFonts in IE4, using the then-proprietary EOT encoding 
of an OpenType font. EOT (and the related MicroType Express format) have since 
been documented in a submission to W3C [4] with the promise of royalty-free 
commitments, if the EOT and MicroType Express formats form part of a W3C 

SVG requires one format (SVG fonts) and allows others to be linked. Adobe 
implemented WebFonts in ASV, supporting SVG and CFF (a subset of OpenType, 
using only Type 1 glyphs). Apache implemented WebFonts in Batik, supporting the 
SVG format. Opera implements WebFonts with SVG, and the fonts may be applied to 
SVG, HTML, or mixed SVG/XHTML content.

Several Web browsers now implement WebFonts, with the OpenType format: Firefox 
3.5 (beta 4 was tested), Safari 3.1 and 4, and Opera 10 (alpha). W3C has 
produced tests for complex international script rendering with downloadable 
fonts; the test and results are available [5]. (Firefox 3.5 beta 4 results are 
yet to be added to this table).

Font licenses vary. Some fonts, libre, are provided with source code and permit 
extension, modification, and redistribution. The Open Font Library [6] collects 
such libre fonts. Other fonts may be downloaded and used, but may not be 
changed, subsetted, or converted to another format. (Often such fonts are 
contained in zip files; being able to link to a specific font inside a zipfile 
is desirable).

Some fonts are licensed to a specific site or domain. EOT provides one way to 
indicate this in the font itself. Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS, 
previously known as Access Control) is a W3C specification which may also be 
used to indicate this [7]. Mozilla Firefox restricts downloadable OpenType 
fonts to those permitted by CORS.
There may be other ways to indicate metadata, so that foundries and font 
licensees may indicate the nature of their agreement.

Lastly there are of course fonts intended for use exclusively with print, whose 
licenses explicitly preclude use on the Web.

Please take a moment to read and comment on the proposed charter [0] which is a 
work in progress.

[0] http://www.w3.org/2009/03/fonts-wg-charter
[1] http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS2-20080411/fonts.html
[2] http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/fonts.html
[3] http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css3-fonts/
[4] http://www.w3.org/Submission/2008/01/
[6] http://www.openfontlibrary.org/
[7] http://www.w3.org/TR/access-control/

 Chris Lilley                    mailto:ch...@w3.org
 Technical Director, Interaction Domain
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead
 Co-Chair, W3C Hypertext CG

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