Hi Dan,

Everything listed in this document looks correct except for the
"Transaction Support" item. MySQL with the InnoDB table type does support
transactions. Nevertheless, MySQL has been an excellent solution for many
of our projects. This table should include another row "Cross Platform".
MySQL runs on many different platforms including Windows, Linux, etc.

Unfortunately, since I've never used PostgreSQL, I cannot comment on the
PostgreSQL limitations. However, I do think PostgreSQL does have foreign
key support.


Jeff Gunther

"Daniel L. Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 04/20/2004 04:48:03

> Dear List,
> I was recently sent the following table comparing SQL databases,
> comparing MySQL with SQL Server 2000.
> http://www.danlj.org/~danlj/OpenSource/Database_Comparisons.doc.html
> It does not seem accurate to me, and it omits PostgreSQL.
> 1: are the MySQL feature limitations cited accurate?
> 2: would PostgreSQL have fewer limitations?
> Thanks,
> Dan Johnson

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