
I'd like to inform you that we (BestSolution.at) are currently partnering with another company (dvhaus.de) to allow JavaFX applications leverage the complete Window UI Automation API for OpenJFX applications *running on Windows*.

The main target of our work is to provide best accessibility support for the Canvas-Node, which is used by our partner company to implement a comprehensive text editor.

I don't want to go too deep into the topic, but we explicitly decided:
a) not to implement the support into the current cross-platform
   accessibility API

b) provide 100% UI Automation support (ruling out a cross-platform API
   for now)

Of course we know that we are relying on internals and undocumented APIs to intercept the OpenJFX Accessibility API calls and take over control if requested.

Long story short - the sources are available at https://github.com/BestSolution-at/openfx-uia

Tom Schindl
BestSolution.at EDV Systemhaus GmbH

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