
On Mon, Jan 14, 2013 at 09:45:24PM +0100, CeDeROM wrote:
> Well in fact after over year I got used to current C code, but the
> problem with that is the code readability, program flow, names, etc.
> Using C++ would give us objects and methods, that would dramatically
> increase readability, program flow and extensibility... understanding
> the code, clear organization and distinction of functionalities is a
> benefit here...

It seems to be little known that modern C++ is capable of producing a
rather efficient code, often better than hand-crafted C, provided it
is used by competent C++ developers. Even RTTI and exceptions are not
an issue performance-wise because you can easily avoid using them
specifically on the hot pathes (e.g. exceptions should be used only
for really exceptional situations, and there a bit of performance hit
of stack unwinding doesn't matter, and virtual functions are not
needed that often either (though Java devs would disagree ;) )). BTW,
GCC "switched" to C++ recently, and LLVM was using it right from the

It seems to be assumed by most people here that C++ benefits lie
mostly in its OOP model, inheritance and such. Andrei Alexandrescu
would disagree [0].

In fact the language designers are concentrating currently on
compile-time efficient type-safe generic programming. The template
language evolved into a pure-functional Turing-complete compile-time
language. One of the popular examples is the Boost::Spirit library
which compile-time generates very efficient parsers from an "almost
EBNF" description right from the C++ sources [1].

So the main benefits of using C++11 would be: compile-time
type-safety, efficient compile-time meta-programming. And of course,
cleaner, safer, more maintainable code as the result. The downside
would be that C++11 and its "advanced" template facilities are harder
to learn and many people would like to use it like a dialect of Java
(preferring inheritance over composition, avoiding template
programming etc, which would indeed be highly inefficient and

To get a taste of modern C++ you can watch this introductory video by
one of the core designers, Herb Sutter: (Not Your Father’s) C++ [2].

One step that might bring OpenOCD closer to the modern programming
practicies would be to make it buildable with g++ without any real
redesign (similar to what GCC developers did with their compiler).

[0] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modern_C%2B%2B_Design
[1] http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_52_0/libs/spirit/doc/html/index.html

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