The following OpenPKG Contribution Area operation occurred.
uploaded RPM file "dvi2tty-5.3-28.src.rpm" rejected -- deleted.
No action is required on your part.

Information about dvi2tty-5.3-28.src.rpm follows:
| File:
| dvi2tty-5.3-28.src.rpm: RPM v3 src Sparc dvi2tty-5.3-28
| Strings:
| dvi2tty-5.3-28
| a135776ec48ae7213dca9a7a53568928613c0683
| dvi2tty
| A TeX-dvi to ASCII converter
| dvi2tty converts a TeX-dvi file into a readable ASCII text file.
| You can then do full text searches without finding the TeX macros as well.
| For documentation see the man page (man dvi2tty) and
| /usr/share/doc/packages/dvi2tty.
| Authors:
| --------
|     Svante Lindahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|     Marcel Mol <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| gsun374
| QOther License(s), see package
| Productivity/Publishing/TeX/Utilities
| dvi2tty-5.3.tar.bz2
| dvi2tty-5.3.diff
| solaris8
| sparc64
| =<$D@
The OpenPKG Project                          
Developer Communication List                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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