Re: [Opensg-users] checking ray-scene collisions...

2004-02-16 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, Tensor G wrote: hi, finally my shadowing program is working. i am using a sort of ray-tracing algo to check illumination values per vertex. Now i'd like to optimize a little the whole stuff, as for a simple 1700 vertices it requires more than 10 hrs of work that's quite long

Re: [Opensg-users] memoryMuncher ;)

2005-02-07 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Jan, Jan Wurster wrote: Hi everybody, ...cut... I've tried various versions - each with the same result: mATransform-setMatrix(mTfMatrix); ... mATransform-getMatrix().setValue(mTfMatrix-getValues()); Interestingly enough even not touching the

Re: [Opensg-users] occluder

2005-11-08 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, The class doc doesn't help much, would appreciate a link or an example on how the concept of DepthFirstAction/PriorityAction is supposed to work. those two classes are from an attempt to replace the current Action infrastructure, but they live in Experimental, partly because the

Re: [Opensg-users] Intersect questions

2006-02-02 Thread Carsten Neumann
Ok, but I've wrapped my nodes in C++ classes. I need to find which of my own objects was hit. I think my techniques of writing the ID of the object into the model could work but I don't want to fill the whole scenegraph... I suppose I could fill just the geometry nodes... Is this OK?

Re: [Opensg-users] LODs n Switches

2006-02-15 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Tobias, A fine thing, these masks, but they do not solve my problem: I try to explain it again: I got some leaf nodes in my LOD² (Leaf under Lod under Lod) Subgraph. These LeafNodes are only drawn if the camera is near enough. Fine. But I want to be able to only draw a subset of

Re: [Opensg-users] Looking on something like Glade for using with OpenSG

2006-05-12 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Gabriell, Hi! Well, I have to develop an application on Win32 / Linux platform (although Linux is primary) and I am looking a Widget library / IDE (like GTK / Glade) to develop the GUI of the application, using OpenSG for data representation. Is there any library out there?

Re: [Opensg-users] extend osb...

2006-07-10 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Dirk, Hi Carsten, On Mon, 2006-07-10 at 16:22 +0200, Carsten Neumann wrote: IIRC you can only have one attachment of each type on a container (if someone knows better, please correct me). But one could quite easily create a new attachment that holds a bunch of strings

Re: [Opensg-users] doubt

2006-07-17 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Toni, Hi, I'd like to do a very simple thing: Consider the car-wheel example of the tutorial, I have a NodePtr containing a wheel and I'd like to use the same node with four different transform nodes. So I created a GroupNode which contains the four transformations, on the

Re: [Opensg-users] Help with foreground

2006-07-17 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Antonio, Hi. I'm trying to modify the information shown in foreground, but I have some problems... How can I modify a ImageForegroundPtr without clearing the foreground and pushing back the ImageForegroundPtr every time? AFAIK you can just modify the Image used in the ImageForeground,

Re: [Opensg-users] Help with foreground

2006-07-18 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Antonio, I tried to modify the image (ImagePtr), but if I call the addImage only the first time the foreground isn't updated. I also tried to call the addImage every time I modify the image, but in this way the images overlap (I also see part of all the old images under the new one).

Re: [Opensg-users] Null-Value for SimpleMaterialPtr, ImagePtr

2006-07-18 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Christian, Hello, I made a function, that has a SimpleMaterialPtr and a ImagePtr as parameter. I want to initialize these parameters at header file with default values, which shows, that the parameters are not set. Is there something like the NullFC-value for NodePtr?

Re: [Opensg-users] Random Access to Coordinates

2006-07-18 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Rene, Hello, I`m using OpenSG for keyframe-animations and for my algorithms, I need to access the vertex positions of the different keyframes at random. At the moment, I simply use osg::MFielfosg::PointInterfacefloat,osg::VecStorage3float,0.operator[]. However, this method seems

Re: [Opensg-users] Help with foreground

2006-07-18 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Antonio, I tried to add the image in two ways... But it doesn't work at all! beginEditCP(imf); imf-addImage( image, position ); endEditCP(imf); In this first case the image is not updated when I modify it...

[Opensg-users] Trac wiki - duplicate info on obtaining the source

2006-08-25 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, I just noted that the trac wiki ( now contains two sections that describe how to get the source, one is under Getting Started - Download - Source, the other under Development - Getting the Source. IMHO the one under development should point to the Getting

Re: [Opensg-users] The Doc challenge (was: Docs)

2006-08-26 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Dirk, Dirk Reiners wrote: Hi everybody, ok, ok, I got it. My head is starting to cave in from all the blows. ;) But to get a better idea of what everybody is thinking of, I pose the following challenge: Everybody who thinks he knows what the right level of documentation is

[Opensg-users] [PATCH]: make deepCloneAttachments usable for all AttachmentContainers

2006-08-26 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, the attached small patch (against 1.x cvs) allows to call the deepCloneAttachments functions for all types derived from AttachmentContainer. The drawback is a small performance penalty as instead of passing a NodePtr, now AttachmentContainerPtr (note: not a reference) is used. It

Re: [Opensg-users] Building Docs with SCons?

2006-08-30 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Dirk, Von: Dirk Reiners [EMAIL PROTECTED] An: Betreff: Re: [Opensg-users] Building Docs with SCons? Hi Alan, On Tue, 2006-08-29 at 14:43 -0500, Alan Austin wrote: I've been building OpenSG on unix/windows using scons because it is so

[Opensg-users] Trac, editing a ticket description ?

2006-09-04 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, is it possible to edit the original ticket description, that is entered when creating the ticket ? I created a ticket and screwed up by putting a broken link in there and would like to fix it. Any ideas ? Thanks, Carsten

Re: [Opensg-users] Error R6034

2006-09-05 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 3. How are you building/running your application ? I open the Solution, select 01hello, click on Build-Build Solution and than on Debug-Start. In the debugger window I can read: First-chance exception at 0x7c91eae0 in 01hello.exe: 0xC005: Access

Re: [Opensg-users] Scramble Mails, was Re: Problems with stereo.

2006-09-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Gerrit, Gerrit Voss wrote: Hi, does anybody know what ... sf randomly does to some mails ???. My test Bcc copy to a different account looks perfectly ok yet the one that comes through SF is totally scrambled ?? here your previous mail arrived without problems, linebreaks are

Re: [Opensg-users] marketing

2006-09-21 Thread Carsten Neumann
Dirk Reiners wrote: Gabriel Zachmann wrote: ... Speaking of marketing ... i just happened to visit http:// and i was wondering why openscenegraph has an (outgoing) link there, but not OpenSG ? ... I've never looked at that. We're in the

Re: [Opensg-users] Updating geometry when setDListCache=true

2006-09-21 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Daniel, Daniel Sperka wrote: [snip] So, my thought becomes - why not pre-populate the card's memory with generated display lists of points. I'm guessing that a list of 1000 points will take roughly 1K * 4bytes * 3(xyz) = 12K memory. On a card with 64Mb there ought to be room

Re: [Opensg-users] Updating geometry when setDListCache=true

2006-09-23 Thread Carsten Neumann
Daniel Sperka wrote: == switching off digent mode! = Hmmm. That makes a lot of sense. I'll have to check, but my gut tells me that I'll need 1000's of nodes. Not a big deal, but as users control the configuration I cannot ensure that

Re: [Opensg-users] Actions

2006-09-26 Thread Carsten Neumann
Robin Steinke wrote: Carsten Neumann schrieb: unfortunately no, but could you post your code or attach your .h/.cpp file, please ? Thanks, Carsten sure, should have done that in the first place. here it is, greets, robin I'll put some unrelated comments in here, hope you

Re: [Opensg-users] Actions

2006-09-26 Thread Carsten Neumann
Robin Steinke wrote: Hi again, i've a question regarding actions. for testing how it works, i put a simple action from the tutorial in my program, cp from the tutorial. the action prints the name of the node to the screen, if a name was set. works perfect. but it was declared in my *cpp,

[Opensg-users] User anonymous on trac ?

2006-09-29 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi all, is one of you intentionally using the username anonymous on the OpenSG Trac site ? I'm asking because she/he has 3 tickets assigned (one blocker, two critical) and since Trac supplies this name as default when not logged in, to me it is unclear if these tickets are really already

Re: [Opensg-users] Info: OpenSG 2 - base function rename

2006-10-01 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Gerrit, Gerrit Voss wrote: can you please make sure that the old versions stay available inside OSG_1_COMPAT. This way it does not kill all code especially where patching is not an option right now. just for clarification: You want to have the old functions available inside

[Opensg-users] OSG_DEBUG not defined for scons build ?

2006-10-03 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, I can not find the place where OSG_DEBUG is defined, so I assume it should be on the compiler command line ? Right now the scons build for 2 only puts a -D_DEBUG there, should OSGConfig.h map this to OSG_DEBUG or is this a bug in the build ? Thanks, Carsten

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Additions to reflective interfaces

2006-10-03 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I just committed some code that add extends the FieldContainerType and FieldDescription classes. These classes now support querying documentation and the raw text of the XML (from the .fcd file) that was used to generate the code. unfortunately

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Additions to reflective interfaces

2006-10-04 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I compiled everything last night hoping to avoid this type of problem. One other person seems to have run into the same issue. Is it possible that this is compiler specific? I am using gcc: g++ (GCC) 4.0.2 20051125 (Red Hat 4.0.2-8) I have here

Re: [Opensg-users] compile OpenSG 2.0

2006-10-04 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Toni, Source\Base\Base\OSGSharedObjectHandler.cpp(502) : error C2065: '__func__': iden tificatore non dichiarato scons: *** [build.win32.8.0\type-optimized--arch-default\Source\Base\Base\OSGSha redObjectHandler.obj] Error 2 scons: building terminated because of errors.

Re: [Opensg-users] compile OpenSG 2.0

2006-10-04 Thread Carsten Neumann
Antonio Bleile wrote: Now it stops compiling with a missing boost file: c:\Documents and Settings\bleile\Documenti\devel\OpenSG2\build.win32.7.1\instlin ks\include\OpenSG\OSGFieldForwards.h(45) : fatal error C1083: Impossibile aprire il file inclusione boost/function.hpp: No such file or

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Scene Editor and Object Pool

2006-10-04 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: One idea I have been toying with is to just use AttachmentContainers. For example if I wanted to store materials and FBO objects. rootNode - AttachmentContainer:MyEditorStuff - AttachmentContainer: Materials - Material: Material

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Scene Editor and Object Pool

2006-10-05 Thread Carsten Neumann
Allen Bierbaum wrote: Carsten Neumann wrote: Hm, is it possible to use the DynamicAttachment for this, i.e. add a DynamicAttachment to the root, then add a MFMaterialPtr named materials and a MFFBOPtr named fbos, etc. ? I have never used DynamicAttachments. me neither

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-commits] r246 - trunk/Source/Base/Base

2006-10-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Author: cneumann Date: Fri Oct 6 09:40:40 2006 New Revision: 246 Trac changeset: ViewVC: Added: trunk/Source/Base/Base/OSGFixedTest.cpp Log:

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2 File loading and SSM problems

2006-10-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Daniel, Daniel E. Shipton wrote: I am running into some serious issues trying to get models into OpenSG2. When running various osb files errors(warnings) show up, some files end up with nothing in the scene(but give pages and pages of errors). I'm right now trying to fix problems

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2 File loading and SSM problems

2006-10-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, I'm right now trying to fix problems with reading/writing attachments, maybe that improves the situation a bit, but I fear there are more problems. Oh no I am trying to work on this problem right now too. I have been trying to fix the failing unit test I checked in

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-trac-notify] [OpenSG] #49: OpenSG2 fails to store/load name data in .osb format

2006-10-07 Thread Carsten Neumann
Allen Bierbaum wrote: This is definitely farther then I got. :) This is a very critical bug for me right now so if you need someone to test out code or bounce ideas around with, just let me know. I've attached a new patch to the ticket, that makes the test pass for me, but I'm not entirely

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Scene Editor and Object Pool

2006-10-08 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: The new FC is called ContainerPool. The ContainerPool::subContainer method isn't implemented yet since I don't quite know how to do it, but the code is there if anyone wants to take a look and give some feedback. some random comments: -

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Scene Editor and Object Pool

2006-10-08 Thread Carsten Neumann
Allen Bierbaum wrote: - IIUC you also want the things in ContainerPool to be written to OSB when saving your scene, right ? If yes, how did you plan to attach it to the graph ? The MaterialPool in 1.x is a NodeCore which solves this problem - there might be better solutions, but this one is

Re: [Opensg-users] SceneFileHandler::the().read crashing

2006-10-13 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, Enrico wrote: i came across a little problem while working at my app's own file loader. I was trying to make sure that my app won't hang, even if a wrong file type is selected for loading: so I tried to load a dll file (worst case possible, I know, but users do all kind or

Re: [Opensg-users] scons with 2.0 and vs8 problem

2006-10-13 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Marcus, Marcus Lindblom wrote: Hi, I managed to build 1.8 with scons/vs8 without a hitch. Very nice work! I'm also tryingto build 2.0 with vs8 as well (I only have vs8 at home at the moment). Is it supported yet? This is what I get in the end:

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: AttachmentContainer as an Attachment

2006-10-14 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: Is it possible for an attachment container class to be an attachment? I think the answer is no, but maybe I am missing something. If not, why not? I am fixing up the ContainerPool class I added, and I want to allow it to be an attachment but I

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-trac-notify] Wiki changes: 1 changes on

2006-10-16 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Dirk, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Changes since 2006/16/10 11:10:01 BadContent (version 1) modified 2006/16/10 11:19:10 by dirk I believe this change breaks something in the ticket system, I can not open new tickets,

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-commits] r300 - trunk/Source/System/NodeCores/Drawables/Geometry/Properties

2006-10-16 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Author: allenb Date: Mon Oct 16 09:43:06 2006 New Revision: 300 Trac changeset: ViewVC: Modified:

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-trac-notify] Wiki changes: 1 changes on

2006-10-16 Thread Carsten Neumann
Dirk Reiners wrote: Hi Carsten, Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi Dirk, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Changes since 2006/16/10 11:10:01 BadContent (version 1) modified 2006/16/10 11:19:10 by dirk I believe

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-trac-notify] Wiki changes: 1 changes on

2006-10-16 Thread Carsten Neumann
Carsten Neumann wrote: Dirk Reiners wrote: Hi Carsten, Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi Dirk, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Changes since 2006/16/10 11:10:01 BadContent (version 1) modified 2006/16/10 11:19:10 by dirk

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Image::name

2006-10-19 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I have been looking at the code for OSG::Image today and there seems to be some crufty code related to name and filename. Yeah, quite possible. IIRC Image originally wasn't a FieldContainer and so there was no (easy) way to use attachments on it. At

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-trac-notify] [OpenSG] #109: Enabling statistics in SimpleSceneManager causes a core dump

2006-10-19 Thread Carsten Neumann
OpenSG wrote: #109: Enabling statistics in SimpleSceneManager causes a core dump --+- Reporter: allenb | Owner: unassigned Type: defect | Status: new Priority: blocker | Milestone:

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-trac-notify] [OpenSG] #109: Enabling statistics in SimpleSceneManager causes a core dump

2006-10-20 Thread Carsten Neumann
Carsten Neumann wrote: OpenSG wrote: #109: Enabling statistics in SimpleSceneManager causes a core dump --+- Reporter: allenb | Owner: unassigned Type: defect | Status: new Priority

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: AttachmentContainer as an Attachment

2006-10-23 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Dirk, Dirk Reiners wrote: Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: Is it possible for an attachment container class to be an attachment? I think the answer is no, but maybe I am missing something. If not, why not? I am fixing up the ContainerPool class I added, and I want to

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: getFieldDesc numbering

2006-10-24 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Dirk, Dirk Reiners wrote: Marcus Lindblom wrote: Does anyone know why this is? I asked a similar question a year ago or something. Gerrit replied with something that it was intentional. I can't remember the details but you might find something if you search the mail archives.

Re: [Opensg-users] Spamfilter going bonkers WAS: Complex Scene

2006-10-28 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: Can you try to post it again to the wiki page. I just disable the part of the spamfilter that I think is causing trouble. If it fails again please send me the error message directly and I will get this fixed up right away. the ticket system has

Re: [Opensg-users] Spamfilter going bonkers WAS: Complex Scene

2006-10-28 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: Carsten Neumann wrote: Please, I fully agree a spamfilter should run on the site, but ever since it is up, using the site has become an increasing PITA for me :( I agree. About the time we installed it every trac site out there started having

Re: [Opensg-users] OSG_VERSION: invalid octal digit

2006-10-29 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Akos, Akos Balazs wrote: Hi all, there's a funny bug in the OSG_VERSION define in the current 1.x CVS: this is currently defined as 010800 (for 1.8 I suppose) but as it's beginning with a 0 the compiler assumes that it's an octal number and therefore can't really have 8 as

Re: [Opensg-users] OSG_VERSION: invalid octal digit

2006-10-30 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Akos, Akos Balazs wrote: Hi Carsten, Yes, but I wanted a compile time check and not a runtime check. AFAIR it was because we were using pre-1.3 and post-1.3 on different boxes at the time, and it was necessary because of some features not present/being different in pre-1.3.

Re: [Opensg-users] trac error when replying to ticket

2006-10-30 Thread Carsten Neumann
Matthias Stiller wrote: Hello Akos, I tried it (test reply) and it worked without a problem. but Akos is definitely not the only one seeing this, I get the same error (only when logged in), also firefox 1.5 on linux - hm, will try a different browser later... Carsten

Re: [Opensg-users] Spam is bad, down with spam

2006-10-31 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I have just installed the new and improved spamfilter on the OpenSG trac. This code is still under heavy development, so there may be some problems but it is supposed to be much better at preventing spam. Please give it a try and let me know how it

Re: [Opensg-users] Poll: What file formats do we need?

2006-10-31 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I had never thought of doing this before, but what if we made it so all graph ops could be used a pseudo loaders? Could we make it so that scene file handler could recognize an extension for each graph op and then let the graph op take the next few

Re: [Opensg-users] OSG2: How to remove all children from a Node?

2006-11-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Patrick, Patrick Dähne wrote: Hello, in OpenSG 2.0, how do I remove all children from a Node? There is just a getMFChildren() method, but the editMFChildren() method seems to be missing. yes, Ptr fields can not be manipulated in this way. There are some helper methods

Re: [Opensg-users] glutMainLoopEvent, threads and what not

2006-11-23 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Bart, Bart Kevelham wrote: Hello everybody, [snip] I know it is hard to help me with this issue without seeing the code, but still I would like to ask: Is there anyone who has experienced an issue like this before? Can anyone think of any reason why OpenSG would block on a

Re: [Opensg-users] glutMainLoopEvent, threads and what not

2006-11-23 Thread Carsten Neumann
Bart Kevelham wrote: I've checked with the debug version of freeglut. It hangs/blocks on the call to RedrawWindow() that's called from fghcbDisplayWindow() I've copied the callstack below. freeglut.dll!fghcbDisplayWindow(tagSFG_Window * window=0x031d2ae0, tagSFG_Enumerator *

Re: [Opensg-users] 2.x and boost

2006-11-24 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Simon, Simon Haegler wrote: i'm trying to build opensg 2.x to test the collada importer and have some issues... [SNIP] (1) at some point scons wants to link with -lboost_filesystem-auto-mt, my boost the auto part is a leftover from scons, if everthing works correctly this is

Re: [Opensg-users] RenderAction

2006-11-27 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Simon, Simon Haegler wrote: osgHello i'm working with 1.x cvs and i have nodes which contain a NodePtr attachment. in certain situations i need to render the nodes pointed to by the attachment instead of the containing node. do these nodes all have a specific type of

Re: [Opensg-users] clones and deel clones memory problem.

2006-12-01 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Enrico, Enrico wrote: Hi dirk and all opensg users, i have a small question for ya: I keep a small library of osg::nodeptr which I never display on screen. I just keep 'em as a database to be cloned as I need one instance of them to be displayed. I expect that when I call for a

Re: [Opensg-users] compile errors System/Contrib/Terrain/testTerrain.cpp

2006-12-04 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Philipp, Philipp Reiter wrote: hi i tried to compile the testTerrain.cpp from System/Contrib/Terrain/. unfortunately i got some errors: /tmp/ccqJCwxn.o: In function `osg::TerrainBase::getClassType()': /usr/local/include/OpenSG/OSGTerrainBase.inl:60: undefined reference to

Re: [Opensg-users] updateVolume strange behaviour

2006-12-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Josef, Josef Grunig wrote: Hi all, I've noticed a strange behaviour playing with nodes and updateVolume(); The situation is: RootNode (TransformCore) | ChildNode (GeometryCore) Then I call successfully RootNode-getVolume(true).getBounds( min, max ); afterwards

Re: [Opensg-users] updateVolume strange behaviour

2006-12-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Josef, Josef Grunig wrote: Hi all, I've noticed a strange behaviour playing with nodes and updateVolume(); The situation is: RootNode (TransformCore) | ChildNode (GeometryCore) Then I call successfully RootNode-getVolume(true).getBounds( min, max ); afterwards

Re: [Opensg-users] updateVolume strange behaviour

2006-12-06 Thread Carsten Neumann
this is now ticket #141 Carsten Neumann wrote: Hello Josef, Josef Grunig wrote: Hi all, I've noticed a strange behaviour playing with nodes and updateVolume(); The situation is: RootNode (TransformCore) | ChildNode (GeometryCore) Then I call successfully RootNode

Re: [Opensg-users] Change to OpenSG 2 scons build announcement

2006-12-12 Thread Carsten Neumann
Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi, I intend to commit a cleaned up version of the 2.x scons build. Some of the build options were renamed to make them more uniform. This means you'll have to adjust build scripts and/or delete your option.cache.platform files and call scons with the full list

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-commits] r449 - trunk

2006-12-13 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: Assuming that everything still works after these changes I only have one concern. Namely, why change all the options to be stored in a dictionary indexed by their previous names? if I used the old names as index that is a mistake, if anything it

Re: [Opensg-users] setMaterial memory...

2006-12-14 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Toni, Carsten Neumann wrote: The FieldContainerFactory is a singleton for the whole program and at the moment there are a couple of places that actually use the field container id as an index into the vector. Sorry, Carsten PS: If you are desperate or would

[Opensg-users] scons-addons r252 breaks OpenSG 2 build

2006-12-16 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, the patch introduced in r252 causes OpenSG 2 to build both debug and optimized variants with -g -O2 instead of one with -g and the other with -02. Reverting r252 restores the correct behavior. The problem is quite subtle and only arises when using the VariantsHelper and not using the

Re: [Opensg-users] cluster server operations

2006-12-20 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Enrico, Enrico wrote: Hi OpeSG users, i have a little concern about my client-server applications. During the application life, I move in and out from memory large chunks of the scene, ending up in a big quantity of beginedit, add child, subchild, endedit calls. Since I am

Re: [Opensg-users] newby question: building on Windows

2006-12-20 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Theodore, Theodore Omtzigt wrote: Dear OpenSG gurus: I am not having any luck building OpenSG with .NET 2003. In the system lib I am hitting a snag with support libs. I have been poking around for an hour to find info on the website and the user guide to resolve this but I am

Re: [Opensg-users] Opensg 1.6.0 runtime errors

2006-12-26 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Frederik, Frederik Didden wrote: Hi, i'm using opensg 1.6.0 on a windows system with vs 2005 as IDE. I get an error when I try to run example 05geometry on line: for(UInt32 i = 0; i pos-getSize(); i++) I get a similar error when I call -clear() | -getSize() on a

Re: [Opensg-users] texture tiling

2006-12-29 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Frederik, Frederik Didden wrote: hey, Can someone give me some pointers on how to cope with texture tiling ? At the moment opensg just stretches my textures on the surface. I want to tile my textures over the surface. this can be done by using texture coordinates 1. The texture

Re: [Opensg-users] Build Problems on suse10

2006-12-29 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Andrew, Andrew Jankevics wrote: I am trying to create an application that uses ode (open dynamics engine) and a scene graph rendering engine. I like the style, doc, tutorials, etc. of Opensg, however I can not get it to build from the 1.6.0-source tarball. ode and

Re: [Opensg-users] texture tiling

2006-12-29 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Frederik, Frederik Didden wrote: Hi again, Do you mind putting us in the right direction concerning setting the texture coordinates? oh, sorry for not mentioning this (BTW for a better overview of these things there is a tutorial here:

Re: [Opensg-users] Transparent viewport

2006-12-29 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Frederik, Frederik Didden wrote: Hi, I've got 2 viewports in my application. One of them covers the entire window, the other only covers a small portion of the screen. Is it possible to make the small viewport transparent, so it inherits the background of its parent? do you

Re: [Opensg-users] Picking : Object coordinates to viewport conversion

2007-01-03 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Jan, Jan wrote: Hi all, I have a question about the conversion of object coordinates to viewport coordinates in opensg. In my application, I have a 3D pointer object (a cone), which I want to use for a picking routine. To know the position of this object in worldspace,

Re: [Opensg-users] Picking : Object coordinates to viewport conversion

2007-01-03 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Jan, Jan wrote: Hi Carsten, Carsten Neumann schreef: there is Camera::getWorldToScreen(Matrixr result, const Viewport port) which should give you the matrix for that transformation. I guess that the multiplication of a vector with this transformation

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Depreciated headers not put into include

2007-01-05 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I just updated OpenSG2 after about a month and I ran into a strange issue. It seems that the headers from the Source/System/Depreciated directory are not being installed into the include/OpenSG directory any more. Is this by design? it might be a

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Depreciated headers not put into include

2007-01-05 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Allen Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I just updated OpenSG2 after about a month and I ran into a strange issue. Do you know the revision of your previous tree ? I think the change comes from setting stop_traversal = True in the Source

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Depreciated headers not put into include

2007-01-05 Thread Carsten Neumann
Allen Bierbaum wrote: Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi Allen Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I just updated OpenSG2 after about a month and I ran into a strange issue. Do you know the revision of your previous tree ? I think the change

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2: Depreciated headers not put into include

2007-01-05 Thread Carsten Neumann
Allen Bierbaum wrote: Carsten Neumann wrote: Allen Bierbaum wrote: Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi Allen Carsten Neumann wrote: Hi Allen, Allen Bierbaum wrote: I just updated OpenSG2 after about a month and I ran into a strange issue

Re: [Opensg-users] [Opensg-commits] r468 - in trunk/Source: Base/Base Base/Network/Base Base/Network/Socket Base/Threading System/Action/RenderTraversal/google/sparsehash System/FieldContainer/Base Sy

2007-01-05 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Daniel, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Author: dshipton Date: Fri Jan 5 16:01:18 2007 New Revision: 468 Trac changeset: ViewVC: Modified: [snip] Log: Use the standard

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG on Windows and debian

2007-01-09 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Marcus, Rieche, Marcus wrote: Hi! I've tried to work with OpenSG under Windows Vista and Visual Studio 2005. It works after some reinstallations, until I want to do clustering. Then I get an error about an vector?!? on a wild guess I'd suspect some sort of incompatibility

Re: [Opensg-users] Problems with libOSGWindowQT4 and std::logic_error

2007-01-22 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Christoph, Hürzeler Christoph wrote: But now I have 2 probs: 1.) ### The problem I have now when starting my test-applications is that I get a terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'

Re: [Opensg-users] OSGTransform Using Doubles

2007-01-22 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, Dirk Reiners wrote: Aron Bierbaum wrote: I am trying to write an OpenSG 2.0 application that requires the use of double precision matrices. Is there currently a way to tell OpenSG to use OSG::Matrix4d instead of OSG::Matrix4f internally? I did notice that the OSG::Transform node

Re: [Opensg-users] fcd2code Problems

2007-01-24 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, Dirk Reiners wrote: Hi Aron, Aron Bierbaum wrote: I have come up with a few changes that seem to allow things to compile at least. It seems that the LIBNAME value was being used even when a library was not set. I don't know enough about the OpenSG type system to know if

Re: [Opensg-users] Frustum Culling

2007-01-24 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Rafael, Rafael Sabbagh Armony wrote: Hi, can one change/control/extend the frustum culling on OpenSG? How? I'm not sure I understand your question, what would you like to change ? Of course you can disable frustum culling (using RenderAction::setFrustumCulling(false)), but I

Re: [Opensg-users] Frustum Culling

2007-01-29 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Dirk, Dirk Reiners wrote: So far I haven't seen any comparison on the actual performance effect of different volumes types, so I was thinking about getting rid of DynamicVolumes in 2, because they are a PITB to debug. If somebody has a better idea on how to implement them I'm

Re: [Opensg-users] Frustum Culling

2007-01-30 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Marcus, Marcus Lindblom wrote: Dirk Reiners wrote: We tried that in the beginning, but the restrictions on classes inside a union (no non-default constructor, no virtual methods) didn't seem to make that practical. How about using some sort of flywheel pattern and keep

Re: [Opensg-users] VRML Loader in OpenSG 2.0

2007-02-02 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Aron, Aron Bierbaum wrote: Is anyone in the process of porting the VRML loader? It not, does anyone have some suggestions for how to do it? I have looked into doing it, but quickly run into a problem where I can not call: pField-pushValueByStr(szFieldVal); Should I be trying

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2 Clustering Support

2007-02-02 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi Daniel, Daniel E. Shipton wrote: Traffic on the mailing list lately has hinted that clustering is not working/available in OpenSG2 currently. This leads to a few questions: Is this true? yes, at least as far as the public svn is concerned, I don't know if anyone has it working in a

Re: [Opensg-users] OpenSG2 Cloning

2007-02-10 Thread Carsten Neumann
Daniel E. Shipton wrote: I am running into a segfault when cloning nodes in OpenSG2. I have a line that looks like: NodeRefPtr cloned_node(OSG::deepCloneTree(file_node)); When the code executes it spits out the following warning a bunch of times before it segfaults: WARNING:

Re: [Opensg-users] Memory leak

2007-02-25 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello Vladimir, Vladimir Galouchko wrote: I took 02move.cpp test from Tutorials and insert 2 command only in display() function. Half hour test run increased used memory from 29 MB to 50 MB. Why? I use v. 1.6 VS 2003 Debug mode. #include OpenSG/OSGPolygonForeground.h

[Opensg-users] New OSB Loader/Writer for OpenSG 2

2007-03-08 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hi, I just put the rewritten OSB IO stuff into svn (r582) and would like to invite everyone to test it, so the code gets proper test coverage ;) To enable the new code, you need to recompile with the new scons option enable_new_osb_io=yes (by default the current OSB IO will be used).

Re: [Opensg-users] Server Offline

2007-03-11 Thread Carsten Neumann
Hello, Daniel E. Shipton wrote: The OpenSG ( server moved to a new location today. It will come back online sometime tommorrow. Thanks for your patience. I don't know if this is related to the server move, but I noted that 4 of the build slaves are not connected

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